What is in the Presidents Health Care Proprosal

The full White House health care proposal is on the web, and ahead of the posting online, White House briefed reporters to highlight some of the details:
• This proposal only deals with the Senate version of the health care reform bill, not the House version.
• On the abortion language, the White House said it remains as it did in the Senate plan (this would be the Sen. Nelson, D-Neb., language not the Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., version in the House which the president has suggested is too restrictive).
• Administration officials point out that the total cost of the plan is “off-set” and provided details for costs.
• There is no so-called “public option” or government-run option in the WH proposal.
• The proposal also closes the donut hole for prescription medications, increases the threshold on the excise tax and improves insurance protections.
• White House officials noted the proposal eliminates the Nebraska provision, which was considered a sweetheart deal for Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb.
FOX News’ Eve Zibel contributed to this report.
You can read the full WH plan here.