20 Nevada Tea Party Groups Release Joint Statement Against “Tea Party Candidate” Scott Ashjian

For Immediate Release: March 10, 2010
From Nevada grassroots and tea party leaders
Subject: Unified Statement / Grassroots Nevada is United

We, the grassroots/tea party leaders of Nevada, speaking for the conservative activists in our communities, are united in issuing the following statement.
• We are united in denouncing the TPN (Tea Party of Nevada).
-o The TPN is not a conservative party who speaks for grassroots and tea party activists in Nevada.
-o The TPN is not now, has never been, and will never be affiliated with grassroots efforts in Nevada.
-o The term “Tea Party Candidate” will no longer be used to indicate grassroots support for a candidate or candidates.
-o The TPN will not be invited to or allowed to represent themselves at conservative grassroots events and functions across Nevada.
• We are united in our desire for fiscal responsibility, transparency, and accountability from legislators and in legislation from Carson City, NV and Washington, D.C.
• We are united in opposition of progressive leanings towards unfunded mandates as a solution to appeasing special interest and delivering ‘social justice’.
• We are united in the belief that our government should be inspiring pride and accountability, and personal strength and opportunity, not a path for us to follow to have our needs met as the government sees fit.
We, the tea party activists and grassroots organizers in Nevada, are united.
Signed on March 10, 2010:
-Anger is Brewing / Debbie Landis
-National Precinct Alliance / Tony Warren
-Citizens Awareness Network / Jesse Law
-Nevada Action Coalition / Duane Smith
-Citizens in Action / Juanita Cox
-Nevada Families Eagle Forum / Janine Hanson
-Fallon Tea Party II / Bob Clifford
-Nevada Patriots / Diana Orrock
-Gardnerville Tea party / Ron Stevens
-NvRA / Travis Christensen
-Glenn Beck Meetup Group/ Sally Minster
-P.A.C.T. / Janice Baldwin
-Grassroots Nevada / Jamie Costello
-Reject Reid / Sheila Danish
-Las Vegas 9-12’ers / Jeff Waffle
-Nevada 9-12 Americans / Charlene Bybee
-Las Vegas Tea Party / Frank Ricotta
-Western Representation PAC / Dustin Stockton
-Patriot Caucus / Eric Odom
-Winnemucca Tea Party / Mike Myrhow
Statement Against “Tea Party Candidate” | Tax Day Tea Party.

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  1. janine hanson

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