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Obama freefall, Support for Healthacare Slips, GOP winning battles

Obama Drops Faster than Bush or Carter
Posted: 30 Jul 2009 11:39 AM PDT
Barack Obama’s public approval rating has fallen faster than presidents from George W. Bush to Jimmy Carter, based on a RealClearPolitics review of historical Gallup polling. Until Obama, Carter was the last president to begin his term in the high 60s. Carter first polled at a 66 percent approval rating. He did not reach Obama’s present […]
Pew: Obama at 54%
Posted: 30 Jul 2009 07:25 AM PDT
When it rains it pours. The opening graf from the write up of the new Pew Research survey: Barack Obama’s approval ratings have suffered major declines. The president’s overall job approval number fell from 61% in mid-June to 54% currently. His approval ratings for handling the economy and the federal budget deficit have also fallen sharply, […]
Not the End of It
Posted: 30 Jul 2009 07:21 AM PDT
Jon Ralston of the Las Vegas Sun takes umbrage with John Ensign’s statement last Friday that because of a report that an ethics complaint has been filed withe the Senate, he’s “been advised not to publicly comment further at this time.” Raltson writes: Well, that settles it. No more questions because … the senator says no […]
Of course, support for health plan slipping…for now
Posted: 30 Jul 2009 05:47 AM PDT
Did you think it wouldn’t? The public has been watching the sausage being made. That’s a drawback of having Congress do this. Whatever your beliefs on health reform, there’s something not to like. And if you haven’t been focusing on the details, you’ve had $9 million in negative advertising to scare you. But I don’t agree with […]