Month: February 2010

Reid: No one’s talking about reconciliation….I think
If the Pelosi argument that ObamaCare was really a jobs bill qualified as the weirdest moment of the summit, then Harry Reid’s laughable backpedal on […]

Obama "Plan B" Exists and President may choose to Abort combined Health Plan
Update: Senate Democrats appear unenthusiastic, at least today, on a Plan B. “We are working full-time to see how we can finish the job on […]

Obama awards Democrat donor & lobbyist with another no-bid contract
Obama, true to form awards another no-bid contract to a supporter. Politifact ruled his campaign promise as broken when it was uncovered that several no-bid […]

VIDEO: Andrew Breitbart Goes Ballistic at CPAC
Tommy Christorpher ambushes Andrew Breitbart at CPAC Need evidence that passions are running high at CPAC? Then watch the following exchange between Andrew Breitbart and […]

Schwarzenegger says TEA Party will Terminate when economy improves
Ready to take advise from a Governor who has been a major failure in California? He says the TeaParty movement will fade when the economy […]

Abortion Language in White House Health Bill Has Some Worried
The 11 page White House proposal on health care has hit some snags in Washington, with outside groups complaining the language in the plan does […]

Vice President Dick Cheney suffers a mild heart Attack our prayers to the VP and the Family
It’s now being reported that former VP Dick Cheney suffered a mild heart attack last night. He is expected to be released from GWU Hospital […]

Journalist for hire $5000 to investigate Journalists
After decades of digging into the Church of Scientology, reporters and editors at the St. Petersburg Times are accustomed to being denounced by its leaders. […]

John Murtha's widow will not seek his Pa. seat
The widow of Pennsylvania Rep. John Murtha will not run to replace her husband, The Associated Press reports. Joyce Murtha feels it’s “too soon after […]