3 provinces to study joint remand centre for gangsters

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Finally a good idea whose time has come, though the Arctic would make a better prison setting for Gangster to cool their heels permanently.

Canada’s three westernmost provincial governments will consider whether it is possible to jointly build and operate a remand-centre jail to house gangsters in custody as part of cooperative efforts to combat organized crime.

The premiers of British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan unveiled the idea of a tri-provincial jail on Friday in Vancouver following the first ever joint cabinet meeting involving the governments of all three provinces.

“What we’re talking about is a maximum-security remand facility for adult gang members where we actually have the proper technologies in place so we keep them out of the sort of traditional remand facility where they can actually infect others and bring others into their gang activities,” B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell said during the concluding press conference after the cabinet meeting.

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