45% Rate Obama Good or Excellent Down 19 Points in just 6 months

obamaForty-five percent (45%) of U.S. voters now give President Obama good or excellent marks on leadership, down three points from last month and down 19 points from when he took office in January, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
Nearly one-third of voters (32%) see Obama as a poor leader, down two points from July. The percentage of voters who give the president a poor rating on leadership is double the level it was the week after his inauguration.
Slightly more women (48%) than men (44%) give the president positive marks on leadership.
Eighty-two percent (82%) of Democrats say the president is doing a good or excellent job, but 57% of Republicans rate his performance as poor. Voters not affiliated with either party are much more closely divided: 39% say good or excellent, while 35% say poor.
Please read the full article for other interesting data 45% Rate Obama Good or Excellent As A Leader, Down 19 Points From January – Rasmussen Reports™.