90 feared dead in NATO air-strike in Kunduz northern Afghanistan

Several News services are reporting a tragic event in Kunduz which is in Northern Afghanistan.  A NATO air strike was targeting Taliban insurgents when a bomb landed on Fuel Tankers below.  Early estimates related severely burned casualties and about forty fatalities.  The Pakistan News is now reporting ninty fatalities and scores of burn victims

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KUNDUZ, Afghanistan — An airstrike carried out by the NATO force in Afghanistan targeted a fuel tanker hijacked by Taliban insurgents causing dozens of casualties on Friday, officials and witnesses said.

“Last night, the Taliban tried to take a fuel tanker that they hijacked on the highway to Angorbagh village,” said Baryalai Basharyar Parwani, police chief of the Ali Abad district in northern Kunduz province.

“The fuel tanker got stuck in the river. There were local civilians with them as well. The Taliban were bombed. More than 60 people have been killed and injured,” he said.

A spokesman for the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) under NATO told AFP: “It was an ISAF airstrike.”

Wounded people with horrific burns crowded a hospital in Kunduz, the capital in the northern province which lies on a main supply line for the more than 100,000 foreign troops based in Afghanistan, said an AFP reporter.

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Early reports from Sky News reported 40 Dead.  As news breaks the casulty rates usually rise

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At least 40 people were dead following the blast, which Afghan officials said was caused by a strike on the tankers in Kunduz province.

Police chief Gulam Mohyuddin said the Taliban hijacked two trucks that had been delivering fuel to international forces.

A spokesman for the Nato-led mission said they carried out an airstrike in Kunduz and that the “target in the air raid was insurgents”.

However, he added he was unable to comment on reports of the blast.

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