6.1 magnitude earthquake kills at least 3 in southwestern China


Barry Artiste

China’s 5th largest province suffered another earthquake, this is two in one year, which is not even over yet, and perhaps this area still has not recovered fully from the last quake in May of this year.

Last spring 7.9 magnitude earthquake in Sichuan province killed 70,000 and displaced 5 million citizens around the area. One wonders about this quake, though only a 6.1 one wonders what the actual damage will be with aftershocks. I will update as more news develops, if the earthquake will result in more damage,


August 30, 2008

6.1 magnitude earthquake kills at least 3 in southwestern China


BEIJING – A 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck China’s southwestern Sichuan province today, killing at least three people.

State media said the earthquake hit about 50 kilometres southeast of Panzhihua city in the southwestern corner of Sichuan at 4:30 p.m.

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6.1 magnitude earthquake kills at least 3 in southwestern China

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