Fake Fortune 500 Jobs Entice Personal Info From Unwary: R.C.M.P.


Barry Artiste

Certainly if there is a way to part anyone with their money or personal information, Criminal Organizations have no equal.

New Canadians already with a strike against them if job seeking, get another strike against them in their desperation to take any job in order to provide for their families, by Organized Crime Groups preying on their desperation. Criminal Organizations now have resorted to setting up fake Fortune 500 companies to part the unemployed of what little money they have.

Certainly China’s policy of a bullet to the head for fraudsters and criminal elements is a plus, some in Canada tired of being robbed, with little penalty to the criminal is something one in a fit of rage wishes upon those who destroy what semblance of life an unemployed person is trying to establish.

Especially immigrants trying to get that Canadian Dream in seeking a job and better life for their families. 

But you know living in a Provincial Liberal Driven Country, what does one expect to happen to the public and taxpayers when victims right always, always take a backseat to criminals, who get the best treatment, first class prisons and  court appointed attorneys, our Canadian Tax dollars can provide.

Heaven help those Law Abiding Citizens who take matters into their own hands, cause all of a sudden the Courts and Justice system get all :Moral and become Hangin Judges” cause all of a sudden, Judges convict you for doing what the criminal originally got away with, except you beat the crap outta him, or perhaps the criminal suffers a fatality of misadventure when running into a law abiding citizen fed up with non action by the courts or justice system.

Cause let’s face it no one else will show a criminal the error of their ways.

And those who come to this country under the guise of good New Canadians and consistently rob us blind, rarely get deported in our “Lefty Nancy Society” in their perception that Criminals always deserves a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 120th Chance etc, to come back out onto our streets and screw us all over again. 

No incentive for criminals to quit their ways, when inept provincial courts and justices ‘Revolving Door Policies”  make it soooooooo attractive for Criminals to continue to take Canadian Taxpayers for a ride, in some cases fatally. 

Just call us the Canadian Patsy’s to a Nancy Justice System. Below is a link of state of the seriousness of organized crime from all over the world.


Below is the media story and source


Fake jobs entice info from unwary

By TOM GODFREY — Sun Media

The Toronto Sun Organized crime groups are creating fake websites of Fortune 500 firms and posting advertisements on them for hundreds of non-existent positions to obtain data from job seekers to use to commit crimes, the RCMP say.

Police said crime rings are targeting new immigrants and others searching for work on websites, made to look identical to those of the country’s largest banks, auto manufacturers and other blue chip firms.

“The crime groups will copy the first two or three pages of a company’s website,” said RCMP Cpl. Louis Robertson of Phone Busters.

“They may say they’re hiring 1,000 workers for a new plant and will only accept e-mail resumes.” Phone Busters is a joint forces team based in North Bay that targets scam artists on the phone and Internet.

Police said the applicants’ personal information is gleaned and sold to other criminals, who use the data to make phony credit cards and commit crimes such as fraud.

Many of the fake cards are used for on-line shopping.

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Fake Fortune 500 Jobs Entice Personal Info From Unwary: R.C.M.P. Fake Fortune 500 Jobs Entice Personal Info From Unwary: R.C.M.P. Fake Fortune 500 Jobs Entice Personal Info From Unwary: R.C.M.P. Fake Fortune 500 Jobs Entice Personal Info From Unwary: R.C.M.P. Fake Fortune 500 Jobs Entice Personal Info From Unwary: R.C.M.P. Fake Fortune 500 Jobs Entice Personal Info From Unwary: R.C.M.P. Fake Fortune 500 Jobs Entice Personal Info From Unwary: R.C.M.P. Fake Fortune 500 Jobs Entice Personal Info From Unwary: R.C.M.P. Fake Fortune 500 Jobs Entice Personal Info From Unwary: R.C.M.P. Fake Fortune 500 Jobs Entice Personal Info From Unwary: R.C.M.P. Fake Fortune 500 Jobs Entice Personal Info From Unwary: R.C.M.P. Fake Fortune 500 Jobs Entice Personal Info From Unwary: R.C.M.P. Fake Fortune 500 Jobs Entice Personal Info From Unwary: R.C.M.P. Fake Fortune 500 Jobs Entice Personal Info From Unwary: R.C.M.P.

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