Fossil of fierce sea creature discovered: Manitoba


Barry Artiste

Pretty scary stuff kids! An 80 million year old fossil of a fish the size of a friggin school bus discovered in Manitoba is a sight to behold. A Canadian First.

The Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre in Morden, Manitoba has outings for the wanna be Indiana Jones, mostly for kids.

US and Canadian Visitors in the midwest around the Dakotas can visit for a few tankfuls of gas, so much better to spend a day digging for dinosaurs than sitting in front of a computer surfing the net or playing video games.  Here are the links below!

Below is the story and source:

(Photo Inset) An artist’s rendering of a mosasaur, an 80-million-year-old sea creature whose fossilized bones were found near Miami, Man. (Karen Carr, Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre)

August 28, 2008

Fossil of fierce sea creature discovered

By ROB NAY — Sun Media

A massive prehistoric sea creature has been unearthed in southern Manitoba, marking one of the biggest fossil finds in the province in decades.

Discovered at the beginning of August outside Miami, Man., the mosasaur skeleton measures an estimated 10 to 12 metres in length and dates back about 80 million years.

“They were the fiercest predators, I believe, swimming around,” said Anita-Marie Janzic, curator for the Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre in Morden.

Excavation of the creature, given the name Angus, will continue until October and then will resume again next year. “We’ve got some substantial pieces,” said Janzic.

When alive, the creatures breathed air, had two sets of teeth and could dislocate their jaws at will.

Janzic said the mosasaur, a marine reptile, might be related to modern-day snakes or the Komodo dragon.

It also resembles a large crocodile with fins, she said.

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Fossil of fierce sea creature discovered: Manitoba Fossil of fierce sea creature discovered: Manitoba Fossil of fierce sea creature discovered: Manitoba Fossil of fierce sea creature discovered: Manitoba Fossil of fierce sea creature discovered: Manitoba Fossil of fierce sea creature discovered: Manitoba Fossil of fierce sea creature discovered: Manitoba Fossil of fierce sea creature discovered: Manitoba Fossil of fierce sea creature discovered: Manitoba Fossil of fierce sea creature discovered: Manitoba

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