11 Years old and Blogging the DNC, Jack Greenberg

I started blogging (before it was called that)in late 1996 for the Columbia County Republican Party website.  I was 34 years old.  Most of us on NowPublic probably began blogging at age 25-65 years old.  The scholastic news has, “Kid” Bloggers.  One of the most known is a Connecticut resident named Jack Greenberg.  He is a political Journalist Blogger and is reporting on the DNC for the Scholastic News.  He age gives him a bit of an advantage as he stands out in a crowd.  This election season I was unable to interview John McCain or Barack Obama.  Jack has interviewed both.  This kid was interviewed on Fox today and he is an amazing kid with some intellect.  When Sheppard Smith asked him who is was for, he replied, I am a journalist and its against the rules to take sides.  Wish other jounalists were as unbiased as he. Hats off to a fine jounalist, Jack Greenberg!

A Meal Among Delegates

By Kid Reporter Jack Greenberg

Food has always been able to bring people together.  Even in election times.  That’s what happens at delegate breakfasts.  At the Sheraton Denver hotel, on the lower floor, the California Delegates gathered for a meal, and for buisness.  The agenda:Pastries, Coffee, and Governors speaking to the delegates from California. 

The event kicked off with an introduction by Art Torres, Chairman of The California Democratic Party.  Many big name speakers appeared on this 2nd Day of This Convention.  Ted Strickland, Governor of Ohio, a major swing state in the election, told Scholastic News what Democrats would need to do to win this important state.  It all boils down to “Jobs, Jobs, Jobs,” he said. 

Lt. Governor of California John Garamandi talked to me about the results of the convention. He said Democrats were going to get a great candidate and first lady.

Much of the talk in the banquet hall was about how to unite the party.  Hillary Clinton did receive 18 million votes. Not everyone is happy that she will not be included in a traditional roll call of votes on Wednesday night. Many want those 18 million votes recorded for history. 

Another Hillary supporter Robert Comacho, 37, said Obama has some work to do in the Hispanic community. not all of them may be happy with thee new nominee.

Despite some unruly behavior by attorney and activist Gloria Allred who came to the breakfast wearing a gag, praise of Obama was subject of all the speeches. Obama signs and pins were everywhere.

While Democrats may have to worry about unity early in the general election, at least they don’t have to worry about their ballots being innacurate.  Secretary of State
Debra Bowen, did away with  California’s computer voting machines and went back to fill-in-the hole voting cards much like we have to do on tests in school. That way, everyone knows how to do it and there are no mistakes.

Check back later to see what happens with tomorrow night’s the Roll Call on the 3rd Night of The Convention and read Scholastic News coverage by me, Jack Greenberg, and my colleagues Ashlyn Stewart, JoJo, Brock, and Rylee Domann!

Age 11, Connecticut

Favorite Subject: Social Studies and Math

Book: Almost Starring Skinny Bones by Barbara Park

Music: Pop

Extracurricular Activities: Cosmic Culture Club, golf, Alliance Children’s Theatre

Hobbies: cooking, acting, writing, board games

When Jack gets older, he hopes to be a chef or a journalist. In his spare time he likes to read, watch reality TV shows, and do volunteer activities.

As a kid reporter, Jack wants to continue improving the skills that will help him one day as a journalist. He is also looking forward to being on the campaign trail this season. “It will be a great honor and exciting opportunity to learn about a presidential election, first hand.”

He has one younger brother.

11 Years old and Blogging the DNC, Jack Greenberg

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