Hurricane Gustav Hits Mission to Haiti, 90 Mph winds, “Keep us in your Prayers”

Mission to Haiti Update: Keep us in your Prayers

I wanted to write and give you a report on how hurricane Gustav is impacting
Haiti. Right now, the hurricane is passing over the top of southern Haiti. I
just spoke with Pastor Brucely, and he said the wind is moving with great
force through his community. The National Weather Service web site,, says winds are now moving as high as 90 mph. As we
spoke, Brucely said he can see small houses begin to come apart in the heavy

Please take a moment and pray for Pastor Brucely and those in southern
Haiti, that the Lord will protect them as the storm passes by.

Personal Note: Kathy and I help support two Children in Haiti.  Please Keep Alexandria  (11) and Propere (8) in your prayers.  These two children live in grass huts with little protection from the winds of this storm.  Some facilities will be providing shelter.

Update 1:36 pm ET- Recovering from Hurricane Gustav

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your prayers for Pastor Brucely, his family, and his
congregation at Ti Goave. I spoke with Brucely this morning. He said the
winds have subsided, and they are getting their first look at the damage
caused by Hurricane Gustav.

Brucely explained that as the winds began to increase last night, church
members and school families made their way to school building. Because the
classrooms are made of blocks and covered with a concrete ceiling, the
building made an ideal shelter. Brucely was happy to report this morning
that no one from the church was injured from the storm.

However, when they began to assess the damage, they found that all of the
fruits and vegetables in people¹s gardens had been completely stripped away.
He went on to say that goats, chickens and other animals are no where to be

A number of houses were lifted up and torn apart by the storm. These are
small wooden houses, covered with thatch which could never withstand the
force of hurricane winds. The gardens, animals and small homes represent all
the earthly possessions these poor families have. Whatever food they had
stored in their homes is gone as well. Pastor Brucely said that the
immediate need right now is food.

We will work as quickly as we can to help Brucely and these families recover
from this storm. The Haiti Relief funds have been depleted from two months
of distributions, and we need your help to buy food and needed supplies.…ormdonation.html

Thank you for your gracious prayers and support.

Sincerely in Christ,
Bill Jr.

Hurricane Gustav crossed the southern peninsula of Haiti on Tuesday evening, killing at least one person.

25 p.m. ET shows Hurricane Gustav over Haiti.

A satellite image taken at 5:25 p.m. ET shows Hurricane Gustav over Haiti.

The storm weakened as it passed over land, but forecasters warned that it will strengthen as it moves back over warm Caribbean waters.

The storm, with winds of up to 90 mph (145 km/h), made landfall Tuesday afternoon about 10 miles (16 km) west of the southern town of Jacmel, Haiti, the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Florida, said.

Pinchinat Pierre Louis, deputy director of civil protection in Haiti, said floodwaters divided Jacmel in half. A landslide near the town of Brazillienne killed one man, Pierre Louis said.

Patrice Tallyrand, 43, fled with his family to a friend’s home after Gustav knocked down four trees in their backyard in the town of Kabik, The Associated Press reported.

“We had to leave the house before it got worse,” he said.

Hurricane Gustav update:  Haiti Hit with 80 Mph Winds, Cayman Islands under hurricane watch

As of 6 pm today (Tuesday), the Cayman Islands are under a Hurricane Watch. This means that hurricane conditions could begin to affect the Islands within 36 hours.

The timing of local activities such as airport closures, etc., will be announced later.

According to the National Hurricane Centre in Miami, at 5 pm EDT Hurricane Gustav was located near 18.4 north and 73.2 west, or about 450 miles east-southeast of the Sister Islands, and 538 miles east-southeast of Grand Cayman.

The Sister Islands Emergency Committee is monitoring Hurricane Gustav and initiating preparations, and keeping in close touch with Hazard Management Cayman Islands.

Gustav is moving toward the northwest near 10 mph. A turn toward the west-northwest, with a decrease in forward speed, is expected tonight and a general west-northwest motion is expected on Wednesday.

Cayman Islands residents should monitor all local media outlets that carry local news in order to stay informed about Hurricane Gustav.

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