Bill Clinton’s Convention Speech to be on a Delay to “prevent problems”

Bill Clinton said he is, “surprised” that Howard Dean insisted he be put on a Delay to keep control if he departs from his approved speech.  He added to a reporter, and I am quoting here, “It’s just like those Mother Fu@#ers”

NowPublic readers, don’t worry, If Bill Clinton departs, our satellite feed is not on a delay and you will know what was said on the floor of the DNC.

The problem arose when President Clinton was slated for Wednesday night, which is National Security day.  Clinton wanted to go off subject and talk about the Economy.  He and his staff appeared so angry that Howard Dean decided it would be in the DNC’s best interest to put Clinton on delay so that nothing he said could become  problematic for Senator Barack Obama and his chance of being elected. 

It is that heated right now.  Some are wondering if Obama should have allowed Hilliary name to be put in nomination at all now.  One reporter said, via satellite feed, “I don’t think the Clinton’s can control their supporters anymore, there is no telling what might happen”.

Former President Bill Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Convention in Denver Wednesday night will be broadcast on a five-second delay similar to that used to screen callers on talk radio programs, party officials confirmed today.

The five-second delay, customarily used to censor callers who might use profanity or other unacceptable speech on a radio show, has never before been used in the broadcast of a speech by a former President of the United States, experts believe.

But convention planners, nervous that Mr. Clinton might depart from his prepared remarks in an unacceptable way, said that they were using the delay “just in case.”

“We hope and expect that Bill Clinton will give a stirring and perfectly acceptable speech, by broadcast standards,” said DNC chairman Howard Dean. “However, if we see his face turning red and his forehead starting to throb, we’ll be there to pull the plug.”

Senator Obama was asked by reporters about Clinton’s speech, the answer was quite different then what Chairman Dean said to reporters earlier,

When asked if there was any contention over Bill Clinton’s speech, Obama was quick to note what he told Clinton on the phone on Thursday. “I said, “Mr. President you can say whatever you like,”” Obama said. “Bill Clinton is a unique figure in our politics… It wouldn’t make sense to me to try and edit his remarks.”

Bill Clinton will not be at Obama’s Acceptance speech at Invesco Field

DENVER (CNN) – Hillary Clinton will be on hand for Barack Obama’s acceptance speech, but according to a source close to former President Bill Clinton, he will not: the source tells CNN that Clinton will not join his wife at Invesco Field Thursday night.


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