Crime & Punishment: “Let’s all go to the Ethnic Lobby”, “Let’s all go to the Ethnic Lobby”, Let’s all go to…..


Barry Artiste, Now Public Contributor

Certainly with an impending Federal Election coming up in the Liberal Stronghold of the Nations Capital, one can be sure perhaps this Liberal Judges decision shows what is wrong with this country in Crime and Punishment.  This case certainly shows Canadians when it comes to crime and punishment is not equal. 

So much for equality for all Canadians in this country, when judges flout the law for  self perceived liberal leanings. So when they pore over our laws, they can state, the law is different for you,  well except for you, and you, oh, yeah, especially you.

Ottawa politicians, especially the Liberals who elected this judge to the Supreme court of Ontario, rely mostly on the ethnic vote, which can mean the difference between getting elected as a Politicians or going back to their old job as community political Theatre Usher ‘s , as nobodies, for the next 4-years of intermission in Political Limbo of “Let’s all go to the Ethnic Lobby” and try for the next time.  

I can only wonder if this Judges political leanings have clouded his judgment when Laws are clearly in place in this country with little interpretation, in what could have turned from an Arson trial to a multiple murder trial.

The only difference being the explosion in this arson case was not large enough.

If it were a murder trial, one then would assume a halfway house internment for a few weekends as sufficient punishment, since a massive fire in a shopping mall gets them off scot free.

There are crimes committed for far less in this town which criminals of the non ethnic persuasion which have seen far more severe penalties meted out.

I guess only then this liberal clueless judge clearly sees the “Laws of the Land” with a permanent bookmark in his law book for other Canadians.  Of course when it comes to potential votes for his liberal leanings and perhaps his liberal political friends in waiting, there is a case of two different sets of Law Books lying around. 

Why this trial took four years of the Taxpayers money is anyones guess, perhaps the trial lawyers needed a new home or something, in what should have been wrapped up fairly quickly, but was not, cause let’s face it, Lawyers are on billable time, and the longer you “suck on the Taxpayers Teats” in the system, the more money you make.

One set of Law Books for the ethnic community and one for the rest of us Canadians.

I wonder why they are still being called “Upstanding and Well Respected Members” of any community after the crimes they committed? Last time I checked, No one would be?

Apparently when these two Arsonists were admitted to Canada a few years ago under the Federal Liberal Governments Watch and Liberal Immigration Policy of letting anyone come to Canada.

Perhaps the then Liberal Government didn’t explain our laws, in that “you cannot blow up or burn down property that isn’t yours?”

So I guess this is all just a gleeful cultural misunderstanding on Canada’s part for not explaining our laws.

Certainly new arrivals to Canada should suffer the slings and arrows of deportation by our Conservative Government, and one can only hope this will be considered. It should be no problem for them, after all they are touted as “Upstanding Well Respected Members” of the Iranian Community walk among Ottawa and it’s citizens should have no problem being Upstanding Well Respected Members back in their country of origin. Because clearly they continued to lie throughout their trial shows they have little remorse and certainly have not learned a thing.

August 23, 2008

No jail for dad, son convicted of arson Judge allows immigrants who torched tanning salon to serve sentence in community


A father and son convicted of burning down their family tanning salon four years ago won’t spend any time behind bars for the crime.

Ahmad and Mehran Mirzkhalili were hugged by family members as Judge Albert Roy said he will allow the men to serve a sentence of two years less a day in the community.

The two men were charged in 2006 with arson and attempting to defraud an insurance company after an explosion gutted the Tanning Depot in the Towngate Shopping Centre in November 2004.

Both Ahmad Mirzkhalili, 49, and Mehran, 25, immigrated to Canada from Iran with other family members several years ago.

“All of it was for money. Nothing else. It was for profit.”

At one store near the salon, three employees were working late at the time of the 1 a.m. blast preparing for an early morning sale. “A bigger explosion and we could have been dealing with a murder trial,” Miles said.

Crime & Punishment: Liberal Judges and their Gavels Crime & Punishment: Crime & Punishment: Crime & Punishment: Crime & Punishment: Crime & Punishment:

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