Obama Bayh bumper stickers? Don’t Buy It! VP Watch Here

By Albert N. Milliron, Editor, Politisite.com

It is the oldest trick in the book.  Some printing company prints up bumper stickers with one of the vetted candidates and the world goes wild.  Obama / Bayh, don’t buy it!  Its just another ploy to get hits to ones website.  I have a collection of bumper stickers and buttons with various tickets who were not.  I will upload a few for you.  The funniest is the Kuscinich / Clinton Sticker that made me role on the floor. 

The bottom line.  The sticker does not have the Obama Logo, is poorly done, and doesn’t seem to have the correct dimentions of the usual stickers.  Just don’t Buy it!

LENEXA, Kan. — After weeks of speculation and days of intense rumors, the answer to who Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama would name as his running mate may have come down to a bumper sticker printed in Lenexa.

KMBC’s Micheal Mahoney reported that the company, which specializes in political literature, has been printing Obama-Bayh material. That’s Bayh as in U.S. Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana. Word leaked out about the material as it was being printed up by Gill Studios of Lenexa. The Obama campaign had said it would make the announcement by text message on Friday.

Gill Studios, would not confirm information about the material. They would not deny it either. The company president would not comment when asked by Mahoney about the reports. But at least three sources close to the plant’s operations reported the Obama-Bayh material was being produced.

Bayh has a reputation as a fiscally conservative Democrat. Bayh endorsed Hillary Clinton and it is believed that he could help the Obama ticket by delivering a key battleground state.

Obama has arranged a joint appearance for Saturday with his running mate at the state capitol in Springfield, Ill.

Source: sfgate.com via politisite

Bumper sticker says it’s Bayh;

Update III: As of 6:55 ET, no confirmation or denial, or Magic Text Message.  This could be just some people at Gill poking fun at the process, but that seems rather unlikely.  They’ll want Obama’s business this cycle, and making fun of him won’t help.  The other suggestion in the comments, that Team Obama may be having several different iterations printed, doesn’t make a lot of sense either but could be possible.  It’s expensive to do print runs, and for what?  To play games with people?  If they have money for that, they can stop fundraising tomorrow.

Mostly, I’m not sold on this whole buildup with Evan Bayh as the payoff.  That practically defines anticlimax.

Update IV: KMBC has an update on their story with a quote from the print company’s president:

“We’re very disappointed that you would spread this rumor,” Gill Studios President Tom Carrico said.

“You didn’t print it here?” Mahoney asked.

“I didn’t say that. But I’m very disappointed that you would come out and interview us and ask for confirmation and we said we would not confirm,” Carrico said.

“Or deny,” Mahoney said.

“That’s correct,” Carrico said.

On the record as refusing to deny the report … FWIW.

Update V: Team Obama claims they have these kinds of materials being printed for a number of potential veepmates.  Your Democratic donations at work!  The announcement, they say, will come tomorrow morning.

Source: hotair.com via politisite

Hearts A-Twitter Over Obama V.P. Text

Barack Obama’s running mate isn’t the only person waiting for the phone to ring today.

Lots of political junkies (and you know who you are) say they are waiting, sometimes rather anxiously, for Mr. Obama to announce his vice presidential pick via a text message. It is expected to come before Mr. Obama’s campaign rally in Springfield, Ill., on Saturday — but that’s all that’s been said.

When it will come is the big question.

Adam Conner, an employee for Facebook in Washington, D.C., co-opted Christmas lyrics to mark the wait in a post on the social messaging site Twitter: “‘Twas the night before Obama’s VP and all through the country, not a cell phone was stirring, not even a text.”

O.K., it doesn’t exactly sing and perhaps it’s overwrought, but it does speak to the emotions expressed by other Twitter users online.

Oh Bayh the way, you can drop Gov Kaine off your list as well. (source: Fox News)

Oh Bayh the way, you can shut off your cell phones until Saturday morning.  The text will not be sent until 3-4 hours before the Public Announcement is made. (source: A little birdie inside the Obama camp)

Bye Bayh, Bayh has been told he is out (source: Time Magazine)

Former Georgia Senator Sam Nunn will be out of the Country until Monday, Check him off (source: CNN)

Hillary Not fully Vetted Officially, Check her off.

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The Politisite Bottom Line: (Opinion)  Till the bitter end I stick to my original pick, Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano  I am completely aware that no news service is considering her.  I looked at a professor’s argument who used deductive reasoning and mathematical probabilities based on what is nessessary for one to win in the electorial college.  Based upon those conclusions I stay with the Governor.

Obama-Bayh bumperstickers being printed? Don't Buy It! Obama-Bayh bumper stickers being printed? Don't Buy It! Obama-Bayh bumper stickers being printed? Don't Buy It! Obama-Bayh bumper stickers being printed? Don't Buy It!

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