Biden the probable Veep Pick, sources say

Update: Obama / Biden Ticket!

A beltway insider has been doing his homework.  He has concluded that beyond a last minute change, Delaware Senator Biden will be Obama’s Veep.  Biden has a long history of Foreign Relations experience.  This writer interviewed him during the South Carolina Primaries, it is apparent the man can chat up and audience and at times get in political trouble.  I am sure the Obama campaign will help him stick to talking points.  Watch for a chatty and heated Veep Debate if McCain picks Romney as his Vice.

Within the last few hours I’ve spoken with two of the finalists for the role of Barack Obama’s running-mate, and to two other sources who are close to the process.

My bottom line is this: Barring a big surprise or last-minute change of heart, the choice is likely to be Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.

He is a lively and feisty if unpredictable campaigner with working-class roots and a street-level feel for the hot spots of the globe — which he can use to go toe-to-toe with Sen. John McCain.

“If I had to bet my life on it, I’d bet it is Joe,” said one of the other contenders.

Said another, “Barack is moving toward a seasoned Beltway type, and that probably means Biden.”

Secret Service Detail Sent to Biden's Home - Is he Obama's Running Mate? Sen. Barack Obama VP is Delaware Sen. Joe Biden Biden the probable Veep Pick, sources say

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