First Nations Gang war claims innocent victim on Alberta Reserve


Barry Artiste, Now Public Contributor

A tragedy all to common on First Nations Communities, brought on by those community members who trade in everything from guns drugs, alcohol, cigarettes to a willing mostly White consumer who cares not of the consequences of the actions of those who will kill to maintain their illicit lifestyle and power on a Reserve.

First Nations shutting down Drug houses and Gangs on Reserves is a big step, stripping them of their status as Band Members would be another step in ensuring they lose all First Nations rights as a people, who smear an entire community with the same brush.

A mandatory life sentence to those who deal in Drugs would certainly curtail some who value freedom.

For the rest, then certainly they will meet their demise by others who want to take away what they have.

Gang war claims innocent victim on Alta. reserve A 20-year-old Alberta woman was shot and killed over the weekend, the unintended victim of a vicious gang war that has claimed a number of lives at a collection of reserves south of Edmonton.

Delema Dixon, who also goes by the last name Lefthand, was shot in the head Saturday night when her home was riddled by gunfire on the Samson reserve — one of four First Nations in Hobbema, Alta.

Dixon’s mother, Vernadee Applegarth, told CTV News that she believed it was her son — who is in a gang — who was the target.

It wasn’t the first time that their home was shot up in the last few years. Applegarth is now left to take care of her daughter’s 18-month-old child.

“I’m angry so much that I want to get revenge,” she said. Dixon’s father, Darren Applejohn, likened living on the reserve to living in a warzone.

“It’s just like living in Iraq — terrorist town — that’s how I see it. Bunch of terrorists here,” he said. One of the four First Nations has imposed a youth curfew.

The Samson First Nation also approved the destruction of 26 known drug houses.

There are believed to be at least 13 gangs operating in the reserves, fighting for control over the drug trade, which mostly deals in crack cocaine.

First Nations Gang war claims innocent victim on Alberta Reserve First Nations Gang war claims innocent victim on Alberta Reserve First Nations Gang war claims innocent victim on Alberta Reserve First Nations Gang war claims innocent victim on Alberta Reserve First Nations Gang war claims innocent victim on Alberta Reserve First Nations Gang war claims innocent victim on Alberta Reserve First Nations Gang war claims innocent victim on Alberta Reserve First Nations Gang war claims innocent victim on Alberta Reserve First Nations Gang war claims innocent victim on Alberta Reserve

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