EX Liberal PM Chretien blasts Conservative PM Harper for Skipping Olympics


Barry Artiste. Now Public Contributor

Certainly, Anti Terrorism in Canada and terrorist groups which were allowed it seems to operate freely in Canada under our then Liberal Government under Jean Chretien, who must have been sucking for the ethnic votes as usual, now have Liberal Looney Jean Chretien angry that our Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper refused to attend the Opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.

Why? well perhaps it is because of Tibet, or perhaps displacing thousands of Chinese citizens to make an Olympic village, or maybe cause they are Commies. Who knows?

One thing for sure is Stephen Harper as our Prime Minister has a conscience.

When the Dali Lama came to visit Canada, our Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper bestowed Honourary Canadian Citizenship on the Dali Lama.

This much to the outrage of the Liberal Ex Prime Minister Jean Chretien and his Liberal supporters whose collective “Sphincters everywhere tightened up”, as they ranted that this was a slap in the face to our good Liberal friend China!

Again our Now Conservative Government Stephen Harper felt that perhaps the Dali Lama, could have a home in Canada, since going back to Tibet is not an option, and as traveling the world virtually Homeless must really, really suck!

The Liberal Government under Stephen Dion as Liberal Leader now, much like Libby Jean Chretien display outrage as well that the RCMP and our Armed Forces are kicking Terrorist ass by closing down Terrorism in Canada and abroad, much to the dismay of lefty liberals who were counting on those ethnic votes for the next election.

Our Past Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien and his Liberal Government you should know found it okay to pay for an Al Qaeda terrorist operations run by the Khadrs who were living in the safety and security of Canada with their three boys and daughter.

The Khadrs by the way were close personal friends of Osama Bin Laden. After Daddy Khadr went to Pakistan, he was injured when he bombed the Egyptian embassy in Pakistan, costing the lives of innocents at around 18 and 75 wounded, Khadr was put in a Pakistani prison.  Khadrs White Liberal Knight was non other than our then Liberal Party Prime Minister Jean Chretien who traveled to Pakistan and begged  the Pakistani government for his release, upon Khadr’s release from Pakistan, Khadr was back in the safe warm milky Liberal Busom of Canada.

Now the Khadrs you should know, what happened next? Why a few short years later, the Khadrs sent their three 13 year old Canadian Born Sons to an Al Qaeda Terrorist training camp in Afghanistan.

Well Daddy went along too, and in a firefight with US and Pakistani forces the Daddy Khadr took a few well placed rounds to the turban, ending his life, along with one child a cripple from engaging in a firefight, with later on another child fled home to Canada for a “Welcome Back Khadr Reunion”, cause the young Khadr upon shooting at Pakistani and US Forces didn’t like the idea that US Forces were firing back at him, after all he was a kid.

The last Khadr, Omar, was captured by US and Pakistani Forces in a firefight and is accused of killing a US medic treating would civilians.

Now Omar has been sitting in Gitmo enjoying the Hospitality of his US hosts, while Mommie Dearest who sent him to fight as a child with an AK 47 to kill other men women and children in Pakistan and Afghanistan, is safely sucking off the Canadian Benefits and social programs she continually derides in the media.

Let’s hope our Conservative Prime Minister, when all is said and done, takes Mommie Dearest Khadr and her clan of terrorist to the nearest deportation station and drops them off in Pakistan for them to deal with, then I would like to see Liberal “Ass Wank” Jean Chretien try and go to Pakistan and beg for their freedom, like he did for their dear old dad, when he as a Liberal Prime Minster and Terrorists everywhere as their  Bestest Friend!.

One could assume if Chretien were back in Power, the Dali Lama would be turned over to the Chinese by him personally.


Chretien blasts Conservative PM Harper for skipping Olympics

Janice Tibbetts, Canwest News Service

Published: Monday, August 18, 2008

QUEBEC — Stephen Harper made a political blunder by failing to attend the Olympic opening ceremonies in China, Jean Chretien charged Monday as he denounced the sitting prime minister for burning bridges and undoing decades of goodwill between the two countries with his swipes at the emerging superpower.

The Chinese will not likely forgive the Canadian government’s slights because they have a “collective memory there that is very important and plays a big role,” the former Liberal prime minister told a meeting of the Canadian Bar Association.

“I would have been at the Olympics myself,” said Chretien, who also lambasted the Harper government for alienating the Chinese by bestowing honorary Canadian citizenship on the Dalai Lama of Tibet.

“We’re blackballed,” Chretien said later to Canwest News Service. “We’re at the bottom of the ladder with China. We’ve lost a lot of ground.”

Chretien, who has generally steered clear of government policy since his 2003 retirement, also told lawyers that Harper should seek to repatriate Canadian terror suspect Omar Khadr, who is being held by the U.S. military at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to face justice at home.

But is was on the subject of China that Chretien aggressively attacked the Conservatives.

EX Liberal PM Chretien blasts Conservative PM Harper for Skipping Olympics EX Liberal PM Chretien blasts Conservative PM Harper for Skipping Olympics EX Liberal PM Chretien blasts Conservative PM Harper for Skipping Olympics EX Liberal PM Chretien blasts Conservative PM Harper for Skipping Olympics EX Liberal PM Chretien blasts Conservative PM Harper for Skipping Olympics EX Liberal PM Chretien blasts Conservative PM Harper for Skipping Olympics EX Liberal PM Chretien blasts Conservative PM Harper for Skipping Olympics EX Liberal PM Chretien blasts Conservative PM Harper for Skipping Olympics EX Liberal PM Chretien blasts Conservative PM Harper for Skipping Olympics EX Liberal PM Chretien blasts Conservative PM Harper for Skipping Olympics EX Liberal PM Chretien blasts Conservative PM Harper for Skipping Olympics EX Liberal PM Chretien blasts Conservative PM Harper for Skipping Olympics EX Liberal PM Chretien blasts Conservative PM Harper for Skipping Olympics EX Liberal PM Chretien blasts Conservative PM Harper for Skipping Olympics

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