Canadian Terrorism Trial in UK Bombing Plot has Khawaja’s Lawyer “Throw out Terrorist Charges”


Barry Artiste. Now Public Contributor

Canada currently has three terrorist trials going on, this is just one of them, whereby Innocence and quaint cultural misunderstandings seem to be the norm when the accused claim innocence, regardless that the evidence against them proves otherwise.

Khawaja’s trial as an accused Terrorist shows in the Britian’s Bombing Plot of Innocent Londoners, has Video evidence, e-mails, testimony from witness, evidence on the accused hard drive, whether he is guilty in a court of law should be pretty easy to determine.

Regardless of the fact he may have been duped by his terrorist associates into thinking the trigger devices he made for them was for Afghanistan, and instead were used in the London Bomb Plot.

It would have been used to kill innocents in market squares. All in all Khawaja did go to London to visit the terrorists, what other motive did he have to go there? Shopping? Maybe to buy armour piercing rounds for his hunting rifles against those Super forest creatures, like flying squirrels and such, or perhaps even YOU!

He is guilty as the day is long, it is now only semantics on which country the bombs were to be set off.

(Photo Inset) AP Photo by Sean Kilpatrick. 1 month ago: Evidence pertaining to the Momin Khawaja case is displayed to reporters at the Ottawa Court House during the third week of the trial in Ottawa on Monday, July 7, 2008. The Canadian Khawaja is charged with participating in a plot to bomb British buildings.

Throw out terror charges: Greenspon evidence doesn’t support accusations

By DONNA CASEY, Sun Media August 18, 2008

Citing a “serious disconnect” between the Crown’s evidence and the case it needs to convict Momin Khawaja, the lawyer for the Orleans software designer will ask the trial judge to dismiss all seven terrorism charges.

With the trial resuming Tuesday following a three-week break, defence lawyer Lawrence Greenspon will present a motion asking Ontario Superior Court Justice Douglas Rutherford to toss the charges against the 29-year-old Orleans man.

“I think there is a serious disconnect between what’s come out in evidence and what the Crown needs to prove,” said Greenspon.

“What we’re saying is they have failed to do that and (the judge) should not allow the case to proceed any further,” Greenspon said of what he calls Khawaja’s “intentions and actions as a front-line jihadi soldier” and his alleged connection to a major terrorist conspiracy.

Over five weeks since the trial’s start on June 23, Crown prosectutors David McKercher and Bill Boutzouvis have presented wiretap audio and video, e-mails and witnesses alleging Khawaja was a key part of a U.K. fertilizer bomb plot targeting key London landmarks in 2004.

But Greenspon intends to argue that the Crown’s case hasn’t made the necessary link between the Canadian computer programmer and the London bomb plot.

Five British men were convicted in 2007 for their roles in the conspiracy involving 600 kg of ammonium nitrate and a detonator allegedly designed by Khawaja.

Canadian Terrorism Trial in UK Bombing Plot  has Khawaja's Lawyer Khawaja's Assortment of kisses and cuddles Canadian Terrorism Trial in UK Bombing Plot  has Khawaja's Lawyer

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