Omar Khadr “Child Terrorist” denied independent psychiatrist: US


Barry Artiste. Now Public Contributor

Certainly an unbiased psychiatrist is needed to determine Omar Khadr’s mental condition, especially if he is to be released back to Canada.

Hopefully counseling will see him realize Mommy is not the person he should be released to, after all she send him and his brothers to al qaeda training camps as 13 year olds, ripping them out from the safety and security of Canada, robbing them of their childhood by placing AK-47s in their hands and telling her children to go out an kill anyone who stood in their way.

In my opinion, the wrong person is in Gitmo, Mommy should be there permanently, as she sits safely in Canada, enjoying the freedom and benefits in Canada, she has always publicly and vilified,and ridiculed in the media.

Course Mommy Dearest must be tickled pink to one day be reunited with her son.

Who knows what Mommy Islamic Whackjob will do once Omar is back in Canada, perhaps offer him a Holiday Jaunt to Afghanistan for some more training and brainwashing.

For those who are reading this for the first time, here is a refresher on the trials and tribulations of Omar Khadr, Canada’s first terrorist and Mommie Dearest’s little Lamb, and the world wide attention this story has gotten over child soldiers.

August 15, 2008

Khadr denied independent psychiatrist


GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba – A U.S. military judge has denied a request by Omar Khadr’s lawyers for an independent psychological evaluation of a young Canadian detainee.

The army judge, Col. Patrick Parrish, said the services of two experts requested by Khadr’s defence lawyers will only be accepted if prosecutors cannot find government specialists with similar qualifications.

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