Nader, Barr, and McKinney sharing workers to get on State Ballots.

Third Party and independent candidates will have a major role in Novemebers election.

Synopsis by Albert N. Milliron

This story should give one an indication of how unhappy the electorate is with the two party system as it stands today. Ralph Nader, Bob Barr, and Cynthia McKinney are using each candidates workers to get on the state ballots.  A rare scene to see a campaign worker holding three clip boards to ask folks to sign for all three candidates to get on state ballots for the election in November.

In a time where Presidential approval ratings are at 30% and Congress approval down around 13% there seems to be a a surge to get new blood in the Government.  Upset enough to vote outside of their own parties and to allow third and independent party candidates on the Ballot in their states.


In a rare show of third party unity, the campaigns of Nader, Libertarian Bob Barr and the Green Party’s Cynthia McKinney, the last two former Congress members, are joining forces across state lines to overcome ballot access rules designed to keep minor party candidates out. The camps are sharing workers, swapping petitions and urging voters to sign up for another third party candidate along with their own. They’ve teamed up in Maine, West Virginia, Hawaii, Pennsylvania and now Connecticut, where Barr submitted 13,000 signatures and McKinney turned in “close to the necessary number,” a Green Party boss says.

Libertarian petitioners were instrumental in getting Nader on the ballot in the all-important state of Pennsylvania last month, so Nader’s team repaid the favor in Connecticut, dispatching his clipboard-equipped raiders on sidewalks and town greens. Not because the campaign especially loves Bob Barr, though.

Nader, Barr, and McKinney sharing workers to get on State Ballots.

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