Toronto teacher facing sex charges commits suicide

Barry Artiste Op./Ed

Seems a lot of so called religious organizations right up to a maritime bishop seem to getting caught in Child Porn police swoop. Everything from child Porn to luring young children at Christian Day Camps seems to be common place with those in authourity.  Why people in charge of our kids seem to think the pedophile candy store is open for their taking needs to stop permanently. 

Roman Polanski recently caught in a police takedown for having sex with a 13 year old is one example where his ass needs to be brought down hard and justice to be served. 

Reading the various media reports on this accused teacher, have many in shock, with Police laying charges against the accused for his alleged Summer Camp hijinks. Perhaps Police must have found interesting things on that computer  in order to make charges stick, charges severe enough for this guy to lay down on the tracks. 

TORONTO — For the second time in a week, a Toronto high school will provide counselling for staff and students Monday after a popular teacher facing recent charges of inappropriate sexual contact with two boys threw himself under a subway train over the weekend — an incident a school trustee called “tragic from every angle.”

David Dewees, a Grade 10 instructor at Jarvis Collegiate in Toronto, was charged Thursday with two counts each of invitation to sexual touching and luring stemming from incidents that police allege took place at a Christian summer camp in the Muskoka area of Ontario where he volunteered during summers.

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