John McCain 2008 Launches New TV Ad: “Pump” rising Pain at the Pump

John McCain 2008 Launches New TV Ad: “Pump”

ARLINGTON, VA — U.S. Senator John McCain’s presidential campaign today released a new television ad entitled “Pump.” The ad highlights Barack Obama’s opposition to initiatives that will help to lower gas prices and achieve energy independence. Barack Obama opposes more drilling in America, expanding nuclear energy use and incentives to spark electric-car research. Unlike Barack Obama, John McCain has proposed a comprehensive, balanced plan to achieve energy independence — the Lexington Project — that supports more drilling, expands the use of nuclear energy, encouraging more research while investing in alternative energy sources. The ad will air on national cable and in key states.


July 20, 2008, Average Gasoline Prices Were $4.07. (AAA Website,, Accessed 7/20/08)

Obama, Remarks At Campaign Event, Las Vegas, NV, 6/24/08)’s Eric Bolling: “Certain People In Congress Would Have Us Believe That Those Barrels Are 10-Plus Years Away From Our Refiners’ Cracking Towers. That’s Just Not True. … [W]e Could Realize Oil In As Little As A Year And As Far Into The Future As Six Years For Those Really Remote Reservoirs.” “We have billions upon billions of barrels and gas equivalents of oil available to the world. In fact, we have billions upon billions available to us in the U.S. We have an estimated 18 billion barrels off the Outer Continental Shelf. Certain people in Congress would have us believe that those barrels are 10-plus years away from our refiners’ cracking towers. That’s just not true. I told you about the conversations I had with TransoceanRIG officers and their time frames for that oil in the last column. I have since confirmed that opinion with other big-time ocean drillers, and the picture remains as clear as it was last we ek. It would take anywhere from one to six years to produce a barrel from the Outer Continental Shelf. That’s right, we could realize oil in as little as a year and as far into the future as six years for those really remote reservoirs. These are barrels we need now and will certainly need in the future. These are barrels that currently rest under a drilling moratorium. These are barrels that the next president should release as soon as possible.” (Eric Bolling, “How To Solve The Oil Crisis,”, 6/25/08)

John McCain Called For A $300 Million Prize For A Next Generation Battery. McCain: “I further propose we inspire the ingenuity and resolve of the American people by offering a $300 million prize for the development of a battery package that has the size, capacity, cost and power to leapfrog the commercially available plug-in hybrids or electric cars.” (Sen. John McCain, Remarks At Campaign Event, Fresno, CA, 6/23/08)

USA Today: McCain’s Prize For A Better Battery Is “Smarter Than More Bureaucratic Approaches.” “$300 million battery prize. Obama derides this as a gimmick, but McCain’s idea for developing a radically better battery for powering a new generation of cars strikes us as smarter than more bureaucratic approaches. Like the X-Prize that helped propel the first civilian aircraft into space, a reward can leverage huge private investment. The idea would be better, though, if it focused on building radically more fuel-efficient cars regardless of the technology.” (Editorial, “Mccain + Obama = A Valid Energy Plan,” USA Today, 7/3/08)

John McCain Has Proposed Building 45 New Nuclear Plants. McCain: “So, if I am elected president, I will set this nation on a course to building 45 new reactors by the year 2030, with the ultimate goal of 100 new plants to power the homes and factories and cities of America.” (Sen. John McCain, Remarks At Campaign Event, Springfield, MO, 6/18/08) “Obama’s Energy Plan Contains No Such [Nuclear Energy] Initiative” Comparable To John McCain’s Plan. “But it’s true McCain is more aggressive in his support of nuclear power, giving it a prominent place in his energy plan, with the goal of creating 45 new nuclear power plants by 2030 and as many as 100 total. Obama’s energy plan contains no such initiative.” (Emi Kolawole, “A False Accusation About Energy,”, 7/9/08)


John McCain 2008 Launches New TV Ad: "Pump"  rising Pain at the Pump

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