ABC, NBC, & CBS Network Anchors Follow Obama to Iraq. Any network Bias here?

The three traditional TV networks will be sending their evening news anchors overseas to interview Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama when the senator takes his much-anticipated trip through the Middle East, central Asia and Europe later this month, The Washington Post‘s Howard Kurtz is reporting.

“That means the NBC, ABC and CBS newscasts will originate from stops on the trip and undoubtedly play it up,” Kurtz says. Obama’s stops are expected to include Afghanistan and Iraq, though his schedule has not been made public.

The senator has been to Iraq once, in 2006, and has not visited Afghanistan.

The networks’ decisions stand in contrast to the treatment they gave Republican hopeful John McCain’s trip last week to Colombia and Mexico, and his trip earlier this year to Israel and Europe. The anchors did not link up with him during those excursions.

ABC, NBC, & CBS  Network Anchors Follow Obama to Iraq. Any network Bias here?

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