Jesse Jackson, used the N-Word, Saying “Obama tells N****S how to behave” on Fox

 Jesse Jackson from Ranbow Push has some colorful langurage of his own.

Bill O’Reilly held back and important section the the Jesse Jackson tape as he thought it was un-necessary to the story.   What Else Jesse Jackson Said on That FNC Tape?

Fox News and Bill O’Reilly have maintained there was more on the tape, but that the un-aired portion was not relevant to the issue at hand: about whether Obama was “talking down” to the black community.

 Jesse Jackson stated a bit more then wanting to Cut off the testicles of Barack Obama.  The full version of the tape has leaked and Jesse Jackson is Heard saying, ““Barack…he’s talking down to black people…telling n–s how to behave. ”

Jesse Jackson busted again?

Rev. Jesse Jackson apparently did use the n word in a controversial conversation caught on tape by Fox News last week, but he did not use it to describe Barack Obama. has obtained the previously unreleased transcript of the conversation and reports that Jackson’s use of the n word was edited out of the video that aired on Fox.

“Barack…he’s talking down to black people…telling n–s how to behave,” Jackson reportedly said during what he thought was an off-microphone moment.

Jackson’s use of the word appears to contradict his public statements condemning the use of the n word by others. Last October, Jackson issued a statement condemning rapper Nas for his plan to release an album call “Nigga.”

“The title using the ‘N’ word is morally offensive and socially distasteful,” Jackson said in his statement back then. “Nas has the right to degrade and denigrate in the name of free speech, but there is no honor in it. Radio and television stations have no obligation to play it and self-respecting people have no obligation to buy it,” he said. Jackson also suggested that Nas should “use his talents to lift up and inspire, not degrade, making mockery of racism.”

  Remember when Jesse Jackson called for a boycott of Seinfeld Dads to protest Kramer actor Michael Richard’s use of the n-word? The revernend had a serious anger over the word and demanded that everyone refrain from using the word onstage and off.

In the last week, Richards has become better known for hurling the N-word at black hecklers after attempting a lynching joke during the same riff and, later, for apologizing—or trying to, anyway.

“My best friends were African-Americans,” Richards said Sunday on Jackson’s Premiere Radio Network show.

The Jackson gig was the latest in Richards’ reaching-out effort to African-American men who have run for president. Before the radio appearance, the actor was said to have placed contrite phone calls to Jackson and the Reverend Al Sharpton. There was no word if Alan Keyes, a 1996 and 2000 Republican presidential candidate, was sought out.

On his show, Jackson said he hoped the Richards “crisis” would create an opportunity.

On Monday, the civil-rights leader joined others in calling on everyone—blacks, whites, Seinfeld players, presumably included—to refrain from using the N-word, on stage and off.

“Its roots are rooted in hatred and pain and degradation,” Jackson told a Los Angeles press conference. “And whether it’s hatred toward African-Americans or whether it’s self-hatred, a concession toward it is still wrong.”

Wrong–except when he uses it himself:

JACKSON: “Barack…he’s talking down to black people…telling n—s how to behave.”

N-word for me, but not for thee, eh, Jesse?


Allahpundit has your Absolute Moral Authority update.

See what others are saying have said

  1. Surprise! Jesse Jackson is a hypocrite.

  2. THE TYGRRRR EXPRESS » Blog Archive » Jesse Jackson and other angry women

  3. Rhymes With Right

  4. This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » The Undead: Alive and Well and living on Foxnews?

  5. Hot Air » Blog Archive » Report: Absolute Moral Authority drops the N-bomb on Obama tape

  6. Jesse Jackson Dropped the N Word in Obama Rant : Stop The ACLU

  7. Jesse, Jesse, Jesse – An Open Mike? : BigMouthFrog

  8. Bloodthirsty Liberal » The Eighth Word You Can’t Say on TV

  9. American Power

Politisite Bottom Line: (Opinion)

Can we all get past using slurs toward one another?  Is it appropriate for a person of faith to call his own race N—-s? (forgive me Lord)  May we all begin to hear the words from the Grave of Martin Luther King Jr, where he envisioned white people an black people holding hands.  Hear Dr. King from the Grave saying that judgment should be based on the content of ones character and not the color of ones skin.  Are your listening? Can we learn from him? 

It is nice that we have a day set aside for him.   It is nice that we have roads that bear his name,  Came we begin to burn his words in our hearts?  Rev Jesse Jackson fashions himself as an elitist who’s believes that the African-Americans can’t make it without his intervention.  Barack Obama is now teaching a Different lesson, that responsibility lies on the individuals ans the Government is here to help lift up, but one has to try to stand on ones own.

Rather then our focus being on Rev. Jesse Jackson’s failings, let us look at the new era of America that has voted for Senator Obama as the first Black  Nominees for High office.  The Jesse Jacksons are in our rear view mirror and the Barack Obama’s are in our windshield.  I am hopeful that, “Move America Forward“, is not just a nice name for an organization.

Jesse Jackson,  uses the N-Word, Saying  "Obama tells N*****S how to behave" on Fox Interview Jesse Jackson,  uses the N-Word, Saying  "Obama tells N*****S how to behave" on Fox Interview

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