Top Colon Cancer Prevention Tips – Cancer Prevention – Tony Snow Story

By Albert N. Millliron,


Tony Snow, former White House Press Secretary Died to day at 53 years old.  His diagnosis was Colon Cancer.  While other news folks at NowPublic have the story covered.  I thought it was a good time to talk about the disease that caused Tony to does at such an early age.  In the following paragraphs you will find prevention tips, early warning signs, and medical procedures that can detect the disease in its early stages   This is one form of cancer, that of detected early can be treated effectively.

 The most problematic component of early detection is culture and stigma.  Men in the United States appear to refrain from going to a Doctor until there is a debilitating event.  Men, on average, die at a younger sage then woman.  One of the possible reasons for this is Mens lack of getting psychical checkups during their lifetime.  There are many reasons for this including time.

 The writer has was diagnosed with Chrohns Disease in 1994.  Chrohns is an auto-immune disease that effect the colon.  This disease requires that a colonoscopy is performed every 2 years to monitor if the diseased areas have converted to cancer.

The American Medical Association is recommending that Men and Woman  get a colonoscopy beginning at 50 years old.  Many medical professional have lowered that age to 40 or 45 years old.

The Following is from, About Colon Cancer:

Colon cancer is one of the most common, and yet preventable, cancers. To help protect yourself and your loved ones from the disease, follow these ten colon cancer prevention tips.

 Here are 10 cancer prevention steps. 

1. Go to a doctor if you have any colon cancer symptoms.

Usually, colon cancer doesn’t have any symptoms. However, in the later stages, symptoms may include thin stools, cramping, unexplained weight loss, and bloody stools. 

2. If you’re 50 or older, schedule a colon cancer screening.

Then actually go to the appointment. More than 90 percent of people diagnosed with colon cancer are 50 or older and the average age of diagnosis is 64. Research indicates that by age 50, one in four people has polyps (colon cancer precursors). Getting screened is an excellent colon cancer prevention method. (Learn more about this colon cancer prevention tip.)

3. Eat a balanced diet.

Diets high in fat and cholesterol (especially from animal sources) have been linked to increased colon cancer risk. High-fiber diets, however, have shown a protective effect.

4. Maintain a healthy weight.

All other things equal, obese men seem to be more at risk for colon cancer than obese women. Also, certain body types seem to influence risk more than others. Studies indicate that extra fat in the waist (an apple shape) increases colon cancer risk more than extra fat in the thighs or hips (a pear shape).

5. Maintain an active lifestyle.

Research indicates that exercising can reduce colon cancer risk by as much as 40 percent. Exercise also tends to reduce the incidence of other risk factors for colon cancer, like obesity and diabetes.


Information form WebMD

Latest Headlines Tony Snow Dies of Colon Cancer
Tony Snow, former White House press secretary and political commentator, died Saturday of colon cancer.

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Source: via politisite

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 The Writer is not a medical Doctor.  Please consult your family doctor about this article.  Do not make major changes with out first consulting with a health care professional.

Top 10 Colon Cancer Prevention Tips - Basics of Colon Cancer Prevention

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  1. I’d add that folks might want to consider colonoscopies below 50 if you’ve got a family history–three of my grandparents had colon cancer, so I got my first colonoscopy at 45.

    Yeah, it’s not a picnic, but it just didn’t seem as bad as folks made it out to be, and it’s a helluva lot less inconvenient than colon cancer.

  2. Donna, your portion was replaced by the FDA helps. Why you have problems with having your material quoted, link backed to your article in two places (not copy and pasted as you related) we used quote tages in the html. Politisite is a network of 5 sites. The traffic you received should be more of an honor then a slam. We apply the Fair use balancing test to every citation we use [q url=””]
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    You related that we used the full article. We did not. We used a portion of the material that related to the 10 prevention compnents of Coloan cancer. We are sorry that you feel you have been harmed. Politisite has removed your portion and replaced it with the FDA prevention measures.

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