Iran tests more missiles, War Games, Airs reworked Video from Monday

 From Iran Press TV See Video Iran test fires new missiles to display defensive power

by Albert N. Milliron, Editor,

Iran’s Press TV ,  IRINN , and IRIB related that Iran completed a second missile test and war games today.  What the Iran news agencies forgot to mention was they provided doctored photos to the French News agency that covered up a missile misfire. Iran also related that 9 missiles were fired when US aircraft and satellite reconnaissance data identified only 6.

The Iranian news reported many missiles were tested today.  The missiles, however, amounted to the one that misfired in yesterdays test.  Data also stated that the missile represented as having a effective range of 1200 miles, only traveled half that distance.

Iran also reused footage from yesterdays war games. Intelligent agencies stated that the games were terminated yesterday and no activity was seen the area represented in the footage.

What does it mean when a nation has to doctor photos, misrepresent the quantity of missile tests, cover-up misfired arms, and re-use previous footage of war games?  Iran simply does not have the capabilities it is saying it has.  These tactics are reminiscent of Saddam Hussians play book, where for years he would parade empty missiles by his grandstand and exaggerate his military capabilities.

Iran is trying to prevent an attack by Israel by exaggerating their military capabilities. The problem is that the United States and other intelligence agencies were watching and Iran’s leadership proved to be like Saddam,  lacking in truth.

Thursday, 10 July 2008 Iran has test fired additional long and medium range missiles over the Persian Gulf waters on the third day of military maneuvers. According to Press TV, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) successfully test fired various classes of missiles Thursday including shore to sea, surface to surface and sea to air rockets in what is now the third day of a large-scale military maneuver dubbed Great Prophet III. IRGC forces also test fired the ‘Hoot Torpedo’, which only Iran and another country are said to be capable of building.
On Wednesday, the IRGC fired nine long- and medium-range missiles including the Shahab 1, 2, 3, Fateh and Zelzal rockets.
The maneuvers have also included IRGC scuba divers and troops, who conducted attacks with speed boats on hypothetical enemy targets.

Iran has test fired additional long and medium range missiles over the Persian Gulf waters on the third day of military maneuvers.

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) successfully test fired various classes of missiles Thursday including shore to sea, surface to surface and sea to air rockets in what is now the third day of a large-scale military maneuver dubbed Great Prophet III.

IRGC forces also test fired the ‘Hoot Torpedo’, which only Iran and another country are said to be capable of building.

On Wednesday, the IRGC fired nine long and medium range missiles including the Shahab 1, 2, 3, Fateh and Zelzal rockets.

The maneuvers have also included IRGC scuba divers and marines who conducted practice assaults with speed boats on hypothetical enemy targets.

Source: via politisite

Iran Tests More Missiles; U.S. Issues Warning

After Wednesday’s military exercise, Washington called on Tehran to halt further tests if it wants to gain the world’s trust. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warned Iran that Washington will not back down in the face of threats against Israel.

“We are sending a message to Iran that we will defend American interests and the interests of our allies,” Rice said Thursday in Georgia at the close of a three-day Eastern European trip.

The U.S. has said it wants to resolve the dispute over Iran’s nuclear program diplomatically, but neither it nor Israel has ruled out a military option against Iran. Iranian officials have said the tests are intended to show that the country can defend itself.

Source: via politisite

Jerusalem Post Article


Iran test-fired more long-range missiles overnight in a second round of exercises meant to show that the country can defend itself against any attack by the US or Israel, Iranian state television reported Thursday.

JPost’s Calev Ben-David on the Iranian threat

The weapons have “special capabilities” and included missiles launched from naval ships in the Persian Gulf, along with torpedoes and surface-to-surface missiles, the broadcast said. It did not elaborate.

A brief video clip showed two missiles being fired simultaneously in the darkness, followed by red
plumes of fire and smoke.

The report came hours after US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warned Iran that Washington will not back down in the face of threats against Israel.

Source: via politisite

Michell Malkin

Here we go again. You’ll all remember how the MSM brought us the first Fauxtography-fest in the summer of 2006. Well, the photo fakers and their dupes in the media are baaaack. And the blogosphere’s all over them.

LGF’s Charles Johnson and Brian Ledbetter have the rundown on the digitally enhanced Iranian missiles in an image distributed by Agence France-Press. See also: Kamangir, Blackfive, Pat Dollard, EU Referendum, Ace, Jim Hoft, Suitably Flip.

The AFP has retracted the photo. The NYT, fresh from its own photo-distorting embarrassment, reports:

Updated, 9:33 a.m., Agence France-Presse has retracted the image as “apparently digitally altered.”

As news spread across the world of Iran’s provocative missile tests, so did an image of four missiles heading skyward in unison. Unfortunately, it appeared to contain one too many missiles, a point that had not emerged before the photo appeared on the front pages of The Los Angeles Times, The Financial Times, The Chicago Tribune and several other newspapers as well as on BBC News, MSNBC, Yahoo! News, and many other major news Web sites.

…Agence France-Presse retracted its four-missile version this morning, saying that the image was “apparently digitally altered” by Iranian state media. The fourth missile “has apparently been added in digital retouch to cover a grounded missile that may have failed during the test,” the agency said.

Wait, that’s not all.

On another fauxtographic front, the AP admits getting duped by fake tornado video.

But hey, they’re the professionals with layers and layers of credentialed fact-checkers.

And we’re just amateurs in our basements.

Memo to MSM: Give credit where it’s due, why don’t you?!

What Others are Saying

  1. Why would Iran fake it? | BitsBlog
  2. The Saloon dot net
  3. Badger Blogger » Blog Archive » Fauxtography in the media
  4. snapped shot
  5. GOP and College – Iranian Fauxtography
  6. southchild » Blog Archive » Update on the Iranian Missile Photoshop
  7. A Blog For All
  8. The Media Still Suckers « Tai-Chi Policy
  9. silent E speaks – Conservatively Speaking from Western Waukesha County » Iran……
  10. Hot Air » Blog Archive » Iranian insecurity revealed in phantom missile

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