Jesse Jackson apologizes for crude remarks about Obama

 Jesse Jackson just did an unusual phone interview on CNN, apologizing in advance for what he said were crude remarks he made about presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama. Read the transcript hereWhats the Video Here

The remarks came during a discussion with a fellow guest on Fox News about Obama’s habit of talking to black audiences about taking responsibility for their families, often focusing on the role of fathers. They were picked up by a microphone Jackson says he did not know was open.

Jackson said the broader context of the conversation was that Obama came off as “speaking down to black people.” He said “the moral message must be a broader message” that includes policies to fix structural problems in education and other areas.

He described his own “sound bite” as “crude and hurtful” and said he immediately called the Obama campaign to apologize. He said he doesn’t want the remark to be used to “thwart” their relationship. “I support him unequivocally,” he said.

The Obama campaign had no immediate comment on the incident. Obama will be speaking to a black audience Monday night at the 99th annual NAACP convention in Cincinnati.

Jackson’s pre-apology came after Fox News host Sean Hannity said on his radio show that he planned to play the remarks on Hannity & Colmes tonight. The show airs at 9 p.m. ET.

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer said Jackson’s comment was “so crude” it could not be repeated on the air. Here’s the CNN account of the Jackson interview.

Update at 5:45 p.m. ET: Al Sharpton reproaches Jackson. “Senator Obama is running for president of all Americans, not just African Americans,” he says. “We must be careful not to segregate Senator Obama and impose some litmus test that is unfair and unproductive.” He adds, “I am happy that Reverend Jackson apologized and I hope that people will remember the great work he’s done in this country as one assesses this last incident.”

 Jesse Jackson disses Obama on race   But, you know, it’s us meanie conservatives who are responsible for all the race-based smears. Uh-huh.

CNN reports:

The Rev. Jesse Jackson issued an apology to Barack Obama Wednesday for making what he called a “crude and hurtful” remark about the Illinois senator’s recent comments directed toward some members of the black community.

According to Jackson, a Fox News microphone picked up comments he meant to deliver privately that seemed to disparage the presumptive Democratic nominee for appearing to lecture the black community on morality.

Jackson didn’t elaborate on the context of his remarks, except to say he was trying to explain that Obama was hurting his relationship with black voters by recently conducting “moral” lectures at African-American churches.

Jackson’s apology came a few hours before Fox News planned to air the remarks.

Speaking to CNN Wednesday, Jackson said he feels “very distressed” over the comments.

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