Just say, “No” to Rugs

The Real Magic Carpet Ride, Drugs in Rugs

NowPublic Writer,  Barry Artiste said,  When he read the title, he thought I was talking about “Hairclub” for men.  Sorry Barry, we are talking about actual drug laced Rugs!

Reuters  is reporting that drug traffickers in China’s far west are smuggling heroin into the country woven into carpets imported from Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Customs officials in Xinjiang, which borders both countries, have seized more than 30 carpets containing some 50 kg (110 lb) of heroin in the last several months, the official China Daily said.

“The traffickers have become more sophisticated and are using new techniques,” it paraphrased Wang Zhi, deputy director the General Administration of Customs’ anti-smuggling bureau, as saying.

“Wang said traffickers first inject heroin into plastic tubes of 1-2 mm diameter and wrap them with colorful natural or synthetic fibers to make them look like yarn. They then weave them into the carpet along with normal yarn,” the report said.

The new smuggling method was making detection harder as equipment normally used by customs’ officers was not up to the task, the newspaper added.

While drug smuggling into China from the Golden Triangle in Southeast Asia — including Laos, Myanmar and Thailand — had fallen, drug trafficking was on the rise from the Golden Crescent, which includes Afghanistan and Pakistan.

“The opposite used to be the case about two years ago,” Wang said.

“Drugs smuggled into China are in turn sent to other destinations. Heroin and cocaine usually go to Australia and Europe, while new drugs such as Ecstasy are more likely to be smuggled into South Korea and Japan,” the report added.

Source: reuters.com via politisite

The Real Magic Carpet Ride, Drugs in Rugs This is the world's largest Persian rug; it's 8 tons.JPG Persian Rug Heriz Gabbeh Gabbeh Gabbeh Heriz Persian Rug FlowerPower_pink_gold Alice's_First_Time_winered_gold Ziawoo_orange_black Hearts_of_Sandra_blue_gold Sandra_Tree_brown_gold Bourbonstripes_black_brownred #512 Afghan war rug #508 Balouch prayer rug #490 Shiraz #505 Balouch prayer rug Persian Rug My Rug Take a Majic Carpit Ride, Drugs in rugs

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1 Comment

  1. It’s time to remove all the politicians that promote prohibition.
    How many more lives have to be needlessly devastated or lost?
    Prohibited drugs are way easier for kids to get than regulated drugs!
    Prohibition never works it just causes crime and violence.

    The USA spends $69 billion a year on the drug war, builds 900 new prison beds and hires 150 more correction officers

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