Need Citizen journalists from SC, NC, GA, and FL

Need Citizen journalists from SC, NC, GA, and FL

Hello all your pundits, politicos,citizen journalists, and others in the southern region of America, We are looking for CJ from every city in SC, GA, and Florida that can provide on site information and news from their area. Not just news from their MSM new services, but news you gather from your area. We a want o compete with the new services in our area. Sine you have a camera, cell phone, and personal incite about your area. We are looking for new media news that can be on line before the MSM.
Are you up for it? New media is the ability to beat the MSM and get the story out before the MSM. We are looking for folks in the south to beat the MSM and et the story out before they can have an SNG truck on site
Why does this benefit you? We can get the associated Press and others to pay for your footage. Hows 30 dollars sound for what your provide before the MSM? We can
Please send and email to an email and let sue know you are on board. When you provide a story of footage of a scene you will get paid. Its as simple as that.
Let the news begin. I need folks from SC, GA, NC, and Florida to provide us with news and we will make it worth your while

ALBERT Milliron
Iron Mill Interactive group inc