DNC Dean, No More Special Interest Lobbyist Money

DNC Dean,  No More Special Interest  Lobbyist Money

By Albert N. Milliron, Politisite.com

Democrtaic National Comittee Chairman, Howard Dean sent out this letter to supporters.  Presidential Nominee, Barack Obama is against taking any special interest lobbying money.  He wants the DNC to follow suit.  Howard Dean confirmed that the fund raising will be limited to individual donors.

Fron Howard Dean, DNC Chairman

As we move toward the general election, the Democratic Party has to be the Party of ordinary Americans, not Washington lobbyists and special interests. So, as of this morning, if you’re a federal lobbyist, or if you control political action committee donations, we won’t be accepting your contribution.

This is an unprecedented move for a political party to make — one that has sent shockwaves through Washington and has turned the debate on clean campaigns upside down. We’ve unilaterally agreed to shut lobbyists out of the process, and are we’re relying on people just like you.

Just imagine what hundreds of thousands of Americans donating $20, $30, or $50 at a time can accomplish together. Imagine the signal that it sends to anyone who looks at John McCain’s political machine and the special interest money it needs to fuel every move it makes.

We have a chance to change the way business is done in this country, and we’re taking the lead. Will you join us and make a contribution right now to help us elect Barack Obama?


I’ve written before about guys like Charlie Black and Rick Davis, lobbyists who are at the highest levels of McCain’s campaign. But they’re just the start — John McCain and the RNC suck up lobbyist money millions of dollars at a time.

In May, McCain had his best fundraising month of the campaign, and it was directly because he refuses to shut special interests out.

But we did, and we need your help. This is an example of the kind of White House Barack Obama would run. Make a contribution to help elect him:


I’ll be in touch later about our plans for the general election, but I wanted to let you know about our policy change right away.


Howard Dean

DNC Dean,  No More Special Interest  Lobbyist Money DNC Dean,  No More Special Interest  Lobbyist Money DNC Dean,  No More Special Interest  Lobbyist Money

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