Barack Obama Clinches the Democratic Nomination

Posted on June 3, 2008 by politisite

Barack Obama Clinches the Democratic Nomination

By Albert N. Milliron, Iron mill Interatcive Media inc /

The Magic Number has been reached!

Update:  What we are hearing fron Fox News and the new York delagation that Clinton is interested in a Vice-presidential spot

WASHINGTON (AP) — It’s Obama. Based on an Associated Press tally of convention delegates, Barack Obama has effectively clinched the Democratic presidential nomination.


The tally is based on public declarations from delegates as well as from another 15 who have confirmed their intentions to the AP. It also includes 11 delegates Obama is guaranteed as long as he gains 30 percent of the vote in South Dakota and Montana later today.

Clinton has reportedly told New York lawmakers she’s open to being Barack Obama’s vice presidential candidate.

Source: via politisite

To be politically Correct the Well Endowed Lady has sang the song of victory for the first African American in History to become the democratic nomimnee for President of the United States of America.  History is passing before our eyes and some pundints and mad as hell, opening up their windows and shouting” we are mad as hell, and we arn’t going to take it anymore” Do you remember the term the democratics used in 2000, “selected not elected” some democrats are saying that within their own party. “The fight will go one” says one voter in SD as she waits to vote for Hillary Clinton.

The Associated Press: Long primary season ends with Obama set to clinch

Long primary season ends with Obama set to clinch

CHICAGO (AP) — History within his reach, Barack Obama was primed Tuesday to claim the Democratic presidential nomination while his dogged rival, Hillary Rodham Clinton, prepared to spare her party an even more protracted fight and effectively end her campaign.

Two Clinton aides told The Associated Press that for all intents and purposes her campaign is over once Obama clinches the nomination. He could do so Tuesday night, or even sooner, as voters in Montana and South Dakota bring his months-long contest with Clinton to a close and as party superdelegates fall in line behind him.

Clinton aides said the New York senator will acknowledge that Obama has got the necessary delegates once he’s over the top, although she planned to stop short of formally suspending or ending her campaign. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to divulge her plans.

Clinton campaign chairman Terry McAuliffe suggested as much earlier in the day, saying that once Obama gets the majority of convention delegates, “I think Hillary Clinton will congratulate him and call him the nominee.”

Source: via politisite

Clinton to concede delegate race when Obama clinches

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton will concede Tuesday night that Barack Obama has the delegates to secure the Democratic nomination, campaign officials said, effectively ending her bid to be the nation’s first female president.

The former first lady was not ready to formally suspend or end her race in a speech Tuesday night in New York City. But if Obama get to the magic number of delegates, 2,118, she was prepared to acknowledge that milestone, according to aides who declined to be identified.

Obama is 37.5 delegates shy of clinching the nomination, but he is widely expected to make up the difference Tuesday with superdelegate support and votes in South Dakota and Montana. His campaign was announcing new superdelegate endorsements throughout the day Tuesday.

On NBC’s “Today Show,” Clinton campaign chairman Terry McAuliffe said that once Obama gets the majority of convention delegates, “I think Hillary Clinton will congratulate him and call him the nominee.”

She will pledge to continue to speak out on issues like health care. But for all intents and purposes, the two senior officials said, the campaign is over. full story here

Barack Obama Clinches the Democratic Nomination Barack Obama Clinches the Democratic Nomination Obama wins nomination Obama wins nomination Obama wins nomination Senator Barack Obama, Myrtle Beach, SC Media Credit Iron Mill Interactiive Media, inc

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