Obama Secret VP search not so Secret

Obama’s top secret VP search – at least it was top secret until the reporters  caught wind of it.

Obama is not reading Politisite!  I am shocked, we think that his best VP candidate would Be Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano ,  Has all of Hillary,’ good points and much more.  She also has very few negatives.  She is a popular Governor in a state that goes Republican with 10 electorial votes.  Sense 1980, Arizona has gone Blue only once,  in 1996 for President Clinton. 6 times it has gone Republican.  Napolitano most likely will carry the state for Obama.  Obama needs to stray from the old school politics “good Ole boy” white male Governor’s.  With the electorate divided by slim margins,  10 electoral votes makes all the difference  in the world.  You heard it here first. 

The orginal aricle was written in May and we are still convinced that Gov Janet Napoltano of Arizonia.  When was the last time the MSM got a VEEP candidate correct,  We did some basic deduction, looked at demographics needed to win, and what Obama needs to round out his ticket.  With all the female voters who will vote McCain, because Hillary is not on the Ballot, Napolitano has all the requirements that a Clinton would bring less the excessive baggage that is quite expensive these days. 

Barack Obama would be a fool not to pick AZ Gov. Janet Napolitano as his running mate:  

A moderate, she has proven herself a calm, competent and commonsensical executive.  

She is on the front lines of the border battle over illegal immigration, and has signed into law one of the few employer sanctions for hiring forged documented aliens that withstood legal challenge. 

Having her on the ticket will force McCain to contest AZ to ensure he carries the state.  

She helps Obama court women voters – and donors – who are still furious that once again an inexperienced man edged out a more competent woman for the top job.  

Politisite is going on the record for  Obama VP is Janet Napolitano  she has all of he savy as Clinton, but none of the negatives.  She will pull back the woman who would leave Obama and vote for McCain.  Has executaive expeience, won in a GOP state.  The MSM are no floating her name byt all of my stats say she is the best VP to complement Obama.  Gov Napolitano will help Obama win the states mentioned above.  So, Senator Obama, if you want to beat McCain, forget about Clinton and Pick Governor Janet Napolitano for VP.

 in Bill Clinton’s view, she has earned nothing short of an offer to be Obama’s running mate, according to some who are close to the former President. Bill “is pushing real hard for this to happen,” says a friend. [snip]

Some of Clinton’s own strategists are doubtful that Obama will offer to make her his running mate – in no small part because that would mean bringing Bill aboard. Her presence on the ticket would also undercut Obama’s core message of change and his promise of a new brand of politics. However, advisers say that in the interest of unifying the party, there may well be a good argument for tapping one of the Clintons’ high-profile supporters, such as Indiana Senator Evan Bayh or Ohio governor Ted Strickland.

But neither of them would give Obama an automatic entr̩e to crucial voter groups that Clinton won Рwomen, Latinos, older voters, blue-collar whites Рand that in many key states have appeared to be beyond his reach.

If Obama wants to tap a high profile Clinton supporter that would help him with blue-collar white voters, you’d think Ed Rendell would be on the list. There’s another big time FOBAH (Friend of Bill and Hillary) who could boost Obama in a different but perhaps vital way: General Wesley Clark.

Obama Secret VP seach not so Secret Obama Secret VP search not so Secret Obama Secret VP seach not of Secret Obama Secret VP seach not of Secret

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