Black Republican Convention, Wichita KS

Sen. Pat Roberts is expected to be among the speakers next week for the 2008

United Black Republican Coalition convention that will be held at the Hyatt

Regency Wichita.

The two-day event, titled “Economic Empowerment Through the Political

Process,” begins May 16 with Roberts, R-Kansas, giving welcome remarks. On May

17, U.S. Congressman Todd Tiahrt, will speak on the “importance of Blacks in the

Political Process.”

Kris Kobach, Kansas State Republican chair, will honor the organization’s elected officials during the President’s Ball May 16. The May 17 events include the Rev. Wayne Perryman, who will provide a historical perspective of African Americans in the Republican Party. Verdie Triplett, Choctaw-Chickasaw Freedman Association, will present “Genealogy and African American Tribal Citizenship” and George Mills Boyd, Colonel, Civil Air Patrol and a Tuskegee Airman, will present the history of the Tuskegee Airmen.

UBRC will close the event with a banquet on Saturday evening by awarding two scholarships. The Art Fletcher Memorial Scholarship and the Al Maxwell Living Memorial Scholarship with be presented to two college students. Those interested in the scholarship can go to the Web site,, to fill out the application.

Source: via politisite

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1 Comment

  1. Most negros have been spoonfed that they have to vote for obama. And they all follow inline like lambs to the slaughter. McCain needs to adress the problems that black people face… So many of them are drug addics, illetirate, un-employed and on welfare and robbing people and having too many babies. We need to solve their problems to make our streets safer and not have so many prisioners.

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