ReCount the Movie, 90 minutes of Hanging Chads

The Florida Re-Count the Movie

By Albert N. Milliron, Iron Mill Interactive Media inc.

Donald LaFontaine starts with, “Just when you thought it was safe to vote again in Florida, another recount is ready to blow”, “HBO presents, Recount,  where political journalist, Albert Milliron takes another photograph of a hanging chad” please turn off all cell phones, blueberries, PCs, beepers, IFBs, DVRs, and Cameras” now This,  enjoy the Movie”

This writer covered the Florida Recount in 2000.  I am ready for the Hollywood version of this thing.  Who plays Gore?  Bush?  who is going to play politisite?  I am thinking Sean Penn? problem is I look more like an  Al Frankin who pays taxes?

The theory goes that, after time passes, one can look back and laugh at even the most painful experiences.

What do you think the reason that the movie comes out during the election of 2008?  To sway voters maybe.  Oh how those fraudulent Republicans stole the election!  Keep in Mind that the only group prosecuted for voter fraud was the group ACORN who registered 1800 people to vote by making up names, using the telephone book, and animals named scobbie doo.  You might want to remember that when you say Bush was selected not elected, remember it was ice President Albert Gore who asked the Supreme court to make a ruling on the Florida Supreme Courts descison.  The Florida supreme court ruling was deemed to be unconstitutional, which stopped the recount.  So if one would like to say that Bush was selected by the constitution, I’ll go with that. Later many news agencies both conservative and liberal biased outlets continued the count themselves under the freedom of information act.  Bush won.  Sorry guys, I didn’t want to give away the end of the movie.

See the Movie Trailer here

HBO Film ‘Recount’ Debuts At Florida Theater

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Filmmakers on Wednesday returned to Jacksonville from Hollywood to display the fruits of their labor during the debut of an HBO movie that retells an historic moment in Florida’s political past.

Much of “Recount,” starring Kevin Spacey and Dennis Leary, was filmed in the River City last year.

The HBO film retells the story of the controversial 2000 recount in Florida for the presidency. 

A few hundred people packed into the Florida Theater to watch the debut, which filmmakers said is not meant to be political but is designed to tell the country what Florida went through during the election chaos.

“It’s not about Republicans or Democrats. The film is ultimately about the process of how we elect our president, and the process of a recount in a very tight election,” said film writer Danny Strong.

Filmmakers were very complimentary of the state’s election workers, saying Florida Sunshine Laws allowed them much more access then they would get in most any other state.

“My hat is off to a state where an event like 2000 occurred … to say, ‘Yeah. Come in and let us relive that anxiety,'” said director and executive producer Jay Roach.

Some who saw the film said it is very good representation of the 2000 recount, but other said its view are slanted.

Source: via politisite

That theory was put to the test Tuesday night when politicians, lawyers and journalists involved in the 2000 Florida election recount gathered to see how that real-life political drama plays out in a forthcoming HBO film.

“Recount,” which was written by Danny Strong and stars Kevin Spacey, Laura Dern, Denis Leary and Tom Wilkinson, was met with raucous laughter by an audience that was dominated by many of the political and media types depicted in the film.

Power brokers who attended the dinner and screening on the tented tennis court of former Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee and wife Sally Quinn — among them John Kerry, Tom Brokaw and Pat Buchanan — appeared to enjoy the film, which premieres May 25 on HBO.

RECOUNT Movie Trailer The Florida Re-Count the Movie

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