NC Gov. Easley To Endorse Clinton, another Blow to Obama

Here is a big blow to the Obama Campaign as His lead in North Carolina has been diminishing over the last few polling sessions.  Now with the Governor endorsing Clinton, Obama may lose his almost 25 point lead he maintained two weeks ago


Gov. Mike Easley is expected to endorse Sen. Hillary Clinton for president Tuesday morning, possibly at an event with her at N.C. State University, according to Raleigh lawyer Bruce Thompson, a key Clinton organizer in the state.

“He is clearly impressed with her record on education and the economy,” said Thompson, a former Easley aide, “which has been his main focus as governor.”

The endorsement could provide a valuable boost for Clinton within North Carolina, where she has lagged by double digits in polls. She trails Sen. Barack Obama in both votes and delegates in the overall race by likely insurmountable margins. The nod from Easley, though, could fuel some of her campaign’s arguments, said Gary Pearce, a longtime Democratic consultant.

Source: via politisite

At a morning press conference in Raleigh, North Carolina Gov. Mike Easley is expected to endorse Hillary Clinton for president.

Easley, a Democrat, is popular in this southern state. He won re-election in 2004 by 13 points, and succeeded in lowering taxes and balancing the state budget.

Easley is finishing up his second and final term as governor. He previously served eight years as attorney general. Many expected Easley to run for higher office this year — perhaps challenging GOP Sen. Elizabeth Dole — though he declined to do so.

Source: via politisite

NC Gov. Easley To Endorse Clinton, another Blow to Obama

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