Obama on Wright, He dosn’t represent my views nor my Campaign

Obama on Wright,  He dosn’t represent my views nor my Campaign

Obama Addresses Wright’s Media Blitz

By Jeff Zeleny

WILMINGTON, N.C. – If it was not clear before today, Senator Barack Obama said, it should be clear now: his presidential campaign has no control over what the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., his former pastor, says or what he does.

“I think certainly what the last three days indicates is that we’re not coordinating with him, right?” Mr. Obama said. “He’s obviously free to speak his mind, but I just want to emphasize that this is my former pastor. Many of the statements that he has made to trigger this controversy are not statements that I’ve heard him make previously. They don’t represent my view and they don’t represent what this campaign is about.”

At a hastily called news conference on the tarmac of the airport here, with the engines of his campaign plane buzzing in the background, Mr. Obama briefly responded to questions for the first time about Mr. Wright’s speech to the National Press Club today.

Source: thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com via politisite

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