Create the Perfect Presidential Candidate with Wiki

Create the Perfect Presidential Candidate with Wiki

What do you want in a presidential candidate?  Does the present slate of candidates lack all of your needs as a part of the electorate?  Well create your own.  I know,  it’s like the salad bar  or like those buffetts you go to at lunch time.  So roll your own.  Let NowPublic and Politisite know what your candidate would look like.

WHAT sort of person would you like to see running America for the next four years? A website designed to look like the presidential candidates’ sites challenges the public around the world to create the ideal candidate from scratch.

WikiCandidate ( uses collaborative wiki software to give anyone who cares to join in free rein over its content. As with Wikipedia, an entry from one user can be deleted by another. Users can change the make-believe candidate’s name, photo and political agenda, as well as their reaction to events in the news. The site’s creators hope that the profile of the candidate that eventually emerges will act as a wish list of the characteristics Americans most want to see in their president.

“If it were possible to create a presidential candidate from scratch, rather than having to choose from the people who have nominated themselves for the job,

Source: via politisite

Create the Perfect Presidential Candidate with Wiki

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