Michigan Dems: Do-over Not Practical

Michigan Dems: Do-over Not Practical

Here is the press release we received April 4. 

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Contact: Liz Kerr


April 4, 2008


MDP Executive Committee Concludes a Party-Run Primary or Caucus Not Practical

LANSING–The Executive Committee of the Michigan Democratic Party issued the following statement today:

The Michigan Democratic Party has carefully reviewed several proposals for a Party-run primary or caucus as a means of resolving the dispute over the seating of the Michigan delegation to the 2008 Democratic National Convention. We have concluded that it is not practical to conduct such a primary or caucus. We will continue to work with the Working Group, the DNC and the candidates to resolve this matter in a manner which is respectful of the views of Democrats in Michigan, and which is fair to those who voted in the January 15th Democratic primary.


MDP Chair Mark Brewer will hold a press availability today regarding this announcement:

WHO: Mark Brewer, Michigan Democratic Party Chair

WHAT: Press availability

WHEN: 3:30 TODAY, April 4, 2008

WHERE: MDP Headquarters

Hart-Kennedy House

606 Townsend, Lansing

Source: michigandems.com via politisite

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