Comcast Major Internet Outage in 7 states

Comcast Major Internet Outage in 7 states

Politisite did a quick background check on other major internet outages.  What we found was outages in 2005, 2007 and today all happened in the month of April, Strange.

Comcast Internet Health page is unable to load.  Very unhealthy that an ISP can’t handle large amounts of traffic.

Comcast help desk says “widespread service disruptions” affecting 7 states. Couldn’t tell me what the problem is. Couldn’t say when it would be fixed.

We need to talk with regulators that internet access is “mission critical” and de facto monopolies need to run their business accordingly. We need information and regular updates.

Source: via politisite

One blogger says, “Here We Go Again!”

This morning, it is another story. I can’t connect to, my home page, and I can’t access my email, and I can’t access Ebay or CNN or the bank. I can, however, access Blogger (go figure?) and so here I am. I phoned Comcast and reached a recording saying that there were so many people calling in for service that they could not connect me with anyone to help me. They said I should call back later. Call back later and listen to the same recordings and wait and wait and wait.

Source: via politisite

Here is a shout out to those in the affected area. Many folks have internet access with a cell provider, Let NP know whats going on.  It appears that a Philadelphia is down completely

Responses to “Comcast Major Internet Outage in 7 states”


Splint Chesthair, on April 5th, 2008 at 11:53 am Said:

Same here, weird all morning. My internet is completely kaput yet there’s an unsecured wireless signal that I sometimes piggyback on in times of trouble that is semi-usable. won’t load, this site wouldn’t load for a long time, technorati won’t load but Gmail, Google, and blogger all work.

I thought it might be an OpenDNS problem but I guess not. I’m actually relieved it’s not on my end.

edit: and this is the second time trying to leave a comment.

Source: via politisite


bigapplezlp, on April 5th, 2008 at 10:59 am Said:

Same here in Caldwell, New Jersey. I can access some of the sites including google, wordpress, but not others, e.g. hotmail, cnn, etc.

Source: via politisite

EllieZ, on April 5th, 2008 at 12:39 am Said:

Ditto – Wilmington DE as of 12:37 PM EDT 4/5/08 I am in IT and access to some services (blogger and other mentioned in this thread) is based on geographic location of servers, routers, etc. so no suprise that those based in the West are up, in the East are down

Source: via politisite

From Bethel, Pa…

I have had problems since 5 AM. Can’t load pages or I get pages with only html – nothing else.

Can’t even get through to COncast!!!!
Think we’ll get a refund on our bills!!

Source: via politisite

Anhi Mason, on April 5th, 2008 at 1:25 pm Said:

from Bethel, Pa…
I, too, have had major problems since 5 AM.
Cannot load pages or I get them with html only.
Does anyone think we’ll get a credit on our bills for all this time “kinda” on-line!

Source: via politisite

James Barrett, on April 5th, 2008 at 1:41 pm Said:

The problems started happening at 4:30 AM EST for me. Knowing crumbcast, they will undoubtedly not offer a refund of any sort.

Some technicals… ping works when trying to reach nearly every destination. Reverse dns lookups are being dropped fairly often. HTTP requests are being dropped on just as regular a basis.

Two of my friends on comcast links in the west Philly suburbs seem to be having no trouble at all. Many others are having serious problems.

Source: via politisite

Some problems in Florida

FORT MYERS, Fla – Comcast customers in parts of Fort Myers and nearby areas may be seeing problems with their television and Internet services.

Barbara Hagen, the General Manager of the local Comcast branch, says a service upgrade ended-up knocking people off of the Internet and disrupting television service.

Source: via politisite

Telecomuters Need a Back Up.  One Adobe Employee almost lost his Job

Repeated Comcast Outages Nearly Cost Reader His Job

I have received conflicting attempted resolutions each time someone has come out, saying the problem was the Ped, the modem or the Amplifier in the area which is known to have issues and various other attempted resolutions according to the last technician. I estimate that my wife and I have spent over 30 hours on the phone and with technicians at our home trying to resolve the various internet issues since we moved in. I am an Executive with Adobe and work out of home, so the damage these issues have had to my productivity are enormous and my Manager, VP of Sales for Adobe, recently threatened my job if he hears one more time about the internet issues I am having delaying my ability to respond to him.

Here is what I request.

1. I would like someone from your office to call me at [redacted]

2. I would like the ability to leave my existing contract at any time so I can move to Verizon FIOS. This contract assumed that Comcast had some idea of how to provide internet service and not waste my valuable time and cause major money losing work issues for me that have tainted my reputation within Adobe.

3. I would like to have my installation fees waived.

Please have someone call me immediately and have someone in a position of authority to take this issue over and fix it.



cc: Board of Public Utilities

Attn: Cable TV Complaint

Source: via politisite

Comcast Major Internet Outage in 7 states

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