Sorry Dems, Federal Judge Rules McCain is Natural Born

(AP) A pair of lawyers – one Republican, one Democrat – have concluded that John McCain’s 1936 birth outside the continental United States does not disqualify him to be president.

The likely Republican nominee was born on a U.S. naval base in 1936 in the Panama Canal Zone.

A federal judge in California has been asked to determine whether McCain meets the legal test to hold the nation’s highest office. Although McCain has called questions about his eligibility nonsense, his campaign, as it did in his first White House run in 2000, sought a review from legal experts to put the issue to rest.

“Based on the original meaning of the Constitution, the Framers’ intentions, and subsequent legal and historical precedent, Senator McCain’s birth to parents who were U.S. citizens, serving on a U.S. military base in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936, makes him a ‘natural born citizen’ within the meaning of the Constitution,” the review found.

The issue was examined by former Solicitor General Ted Olson, a Republican backing McCain, and Harvard Law Professor Laurence H. Tribe, a Democrat backing Barack Obama.

Source: via politisite

McCain says Russia should be excluded from G8

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  1. Where is the federal judge ruling? Reread the article. These lawyers put in an opinion, but there is no ruling yet.
    The real disappointment is among the Paulistas.,

  2. The review is concluded and McCain is a natural born citizen since the spirit of the constitution is about being born to U.S. Citizens even when overseas. An Illegal by virtual of being in the U.S. has a child, the child is concidered natural born as well. There is some disagreement about this.

  3. Just to clarify this matter once again, the headline says that a federal judge rules McCain is natural born. That is wrong because no judge has ruled on the issue yet. The article said only that a federal judge has been ASKED to rule on the question.

    The review by the two lawyers is not a ruling, but a memorandum in support of McCain in the court case.

    The headline says sorry Dems, but of the two lawyers who have written a memo in support of McCain, one is a Republican and the other a Democrat who supports Obama.

    The Democrats support McCain’s appearance on the ballot and have introduce legislation in his support.

    By the way, the appalling Paulistas are appalled by McCain’s candidacy and want him off the ballot so that their boy can run in his place.

    I just want this to be clear for anyone coming across this blog.

    Signed, Voice of reason from the moderate center.

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