Detroit Mayor indicted on 12 counts

Kilpatrick charged in text-messaging sex scandal

Politisite Note:  Mayor Kilpatrick will be addressing reporters at 12:00 pm Eastern 1600 GMT

Kwame Kilpatrick, a one-time rising star in American urban politics who embraced his “Hip-Hop Mayor” image as Detroit’s youngest elected leader, was charged Monday with perjury and other counts after sexually explicit text messages surfaced that appear to contradict his sworn denials of an affair with a top aide.

Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy also charged the charismatic and popular yet polarizing 37-year-old mayor with obstruction of justice and misconduct in office.

Former Chief of Staff Christine Beatty, 37, who also denied under oath that she and Kilpatrick shared a romantic relationship in 2002 and 2003, was charged with perjury and obstruction of justice.

In all, Worthy authorized a 12-count criminal information.

“This case was about as far from being a private matter as one can get. Honesty and integrity in the justice system is everything. That is what this case is about,” Worthy said at a news conference.

“Just when did honesty and integrity, truth and honor become traits to be mocked, downplayed, ignored, laughed at or excuses made for them? When did telling the truth become a supporting player to everything else?”

Source: via politisite

Mayor Kilpatrick charged with perjury, obstruction, misconduct

Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy will charge Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and former Chief of Staff Christine Beatty on multiple counts of perjury, obstruction and misconduct as result of a perjury investigation. – 11:02 am

Source: via politisite

Detroit Mayor indicted on 12 counts

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