Clinton Backer says Electoral College Gives Hillary the Lead

The Clinton’s have found a way that gives them the lead in the fight for the Nomination,  The Electoral College.  The Electorial Votes that will be used to determine the presidency in a general election, have little,  to do with the Primaries.  Even so the Clinton Camp wants everyone to know that she has  219 electoral votes to Obama’s 202. 

Clinton Backer says Electoral College Gives Hillary the Lead

Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana, who backs Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton for president, proposed another gauge Sunday by which superdelegates might judge whether to support Mrs. Clinton or Senator Barack Obama.

He suggested that they consider the electoral votes of the states that each of them has won.

“So who carried the states with the most Electoral College votes is an important factor to consider because ultimately, that’s how we choose the president of the United States,” Mr. Bayh said on CNN’s “Late Edition.”

In a primary, of course, electoral votes are not relevant, but the Clinton campaign is trying to use them as an unofficial measure of strength.

So far, Mrs. Clinton has won states with a total of 219 Electoral College votes, not counting Florida and Michigan, while Mr. Obama has won states with a total of 202 electoral votes.

Mr. Obama, of Illinois, is ahead of Mrs. Clinton, of New York, in most other leading indicators: popular vote (by 700,000 votes out of 26 million cast, excluding caucuses and the disputed Florida and Michigan results, a difference of about 3 percent); delegates (1,622.5 compared with 1,472.5 for her, according to The New York Times’s count); and number of states (27 compared with 14 for her, excluding Florida and Michigan). The opinion polls are mixed but give Mr. Obama a slight edge.

Source: via politisite

United States Electoral College, What is it?

The United States Electoral College is a term used to describe the 538 Presidential electors who meet every four years to cast the official votes for President and Vice President of the United States. The Constitution gives each state legislature the plenary power to choose the electors who shall represent its state in the Electoral College. Through this constitutional authority, each state legislature also has the power to determine how exactly the electors are to be chosen (including the legislature choosing the electors). Presently, every state legislature chooses to allow its electors to be popularly chosen (by a state-wide ballot for slates of electors, who have informally pledged themselves to support a particular Presidential candidate and a particular Vice Presidential candidate) on the day set forth by federal law for that purpose—i.e. Election Day. Presidential electors meet in their respective state capitol buildings—or in the case of Washington, D.C., in the District of Columbia—on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December (per 3 U.S.C. § 7). The Electors never meet as a national body. At the 51 separate meetings, held on the same day, the electors cast the electoral votes. As such, the collective concept of the 51 groups is the technical definition of the college. The electoral college system, like the national convention, is an indirect element in the process of electing the president. The Constitution does not require the electors to vote as pledged, but many states have enacted laws that do require their electors to vote as pledged.[1]

Source: via politisite

Clinton Backer says Electoral College Gives Hillary the Lead

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