Exit Polls & Real Time Election Results Potomac Primary: DC, MD, VA

olitisite Exit Polling Data from the Potomac Primary, Washington,

DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Beginning at 7:00 pm Eastern / 0:00 GMT

(UTC). Real Time Election Results from VA, MD, and DC.  This is

part of our continuing coverage of the Potomac Primary. 

Be sure to check back as we will be posting Exit Polling data as

we get them.  We also will be providing Real Time Election

Results beginning at 7:00 pm EST or 0:00 hrs GMT (UTC)

Based up the information we have the numbers in MD will not change

the out outcome.  We want to thank the more than 11 Thousand

visitors tonight.  Both of our blogs and website received 25

thousand hits during the 5 hours of updates. Thank you all.  

To view the events as they unfolded,  please review this post

from bottom to top as it is in reverse chronological order.

Our final Report on the Potomac Primary.   

1:30 am – Maryland  – Maryland – 96% Reporting


-Obama 60%, Clinton 37%

Republican- McCain 55%, Huckabee 29%,

Paul 6%


12:07 pm Maryland – 58% Reporting

Democrat -Obama 61%,

Clinton 36%

Republican- McCain 55%, Huckabee 30%, Paul 6%


11:58 pm Maryland – 51% Reporting

Democrat -Obama 62%,

Clinton 35%

Republican- McCain 54%, Huckabee 31%, Paul 6%

11:43 pm Maryland – 47% Reporting

Democrat -Obama 62%, Clinton 35%

Republican- McCain 55%, Huckabee 30%, Paul 6%

11:15 pm – Heres my favorite part! Is Politisite, Albert N.

Milliron worth his salt or should he be thrown to the Hogs? 

Here was the Politisite projections for District of

Columbia: Clinton 25%, Obama 75%  Here are the Results 

Democrat – X Obama 75 %, Clinton 24%

Politisite Projections: McCain 68%, Huckabee 18%, Paul 3% 

Results:  McCain 68 %, Huckabee 17%, Paul 8%

11:04 pm Maryland – 28% Reporting

Democrat -Obama 60%, Clinton 37%

Republican- McCain 55%, Huckabee 29%, Paul 7%

11:03 pm – District of Columbia – 98% Reporting – Last Report


Democrat – X Obama 75 %, Clinton 24%

Republican – X McCain 68 %, Huckabee 17%, Paul 8%

11:01 pm – Virgina – 99%  – Last report on VA

X Obama 64%, Clinton 35%

X  McCain 50%, Huckabee 41%, Paul 5%

10:59 pm – Maryland – 22% Reporting

Democrat -Obama 60%, Clinton 37%

Republican- McCain 56%, Huckabee 29%, Paul 6%

10:57 –  Senator Clinton is at a place where she MUST win

Texas, Ohio, and Penn.  She must win big as democtaric delegates

are awarded according to the vote.

10:31 pm Maryland – 9% Reporting

Democrat -Obama 61%, Clinton 36%

Republican- McCain 54%, Huckabee 30%, Paul 7%

10:29 pm – Virgina – 97%

Obama 63%, Clinton 36%

 McCain 50%, Huckabee 41%, Paul 4%

10:18 pm – The McCain Camp,  although not saying it public

ally, would really like Huckabee to get out of the race. 

Huckabee has made it clear until there is 1100 delegate won, he

will stay in the race.  McCains people do not like Huckabee

getting conservative votes because it keeps showing that McCain has

problems with Strong Conservatives.  My take is that McCain is a

conservative, and you need someone who is willing to go against party

lines when necessary,other wise your just a yes man.  He will

get moderates to vote for him.  You don’t have to throw your

principles away to support McCain.  Many social conservatives

have one litmus test: Abortion.  They will bend on other issues.

10:17 pm Maryland – 4% Reporting

Democrat -Obama 68%, Clinton 30% Republican- McCain 55%, Huckabee

33%, Paul 4%

10:13 pm – Virgina – 94%

Obama 63%, Clinton 36%

 McCain 50%, Huckabee 41%, Paul 4%

10:10 pm – McCain is speaking.  His campaign should tell the

people on state not to read the teleprompter as he is speaking.

10:09 pm – District of Columbia – 90% Reporting –

Democrat – Obama 76%, Clinton 24%

Republican – McCain 67%, Huckabee 17%, Paul 8%

10:07 pm –
Maryland – 3% Reporting

Democrat -Obama 62%, Clinton 35%

Republican- McCain 57%, Huckabee 32%, Paul 4%

9:55 pm – I searched the blogs and found this post.  I was

thinking, If I know Clinton Inc like I think I do.  Hillary will

come out swinging at the next debate.  The last breaths of a

dieing campaign  Right now I am not sure if Obama can be beat,

The writer is a Right Leaning Libertarian  Most of us hoped for

indeed prayed for Hilliary to be nominated.  She has been

upstaged by a first term senator.  He has all of the attributes

of a Kennedy / MLK He has gained the energy of the Reagan

Republicans.  This is the story,  a moving train is

not easily stopped.  Where as I disagree with almost all of

Obama’s views, He is a movement, and its hard to beat a movement

especially with the hit Republicans have had as of



was the last election that was extended so people could vote?

Maryland extended theirs by 90 minutes due to the weather and high

turnouts. It is amazing to see the political excitement this year’s

primaries are raising. Will this excitement last? Will people become

politically active once again? I have heard people talk of the 60s

and 70s. I have seen footage. Could we be seeing the next wave?

Mike Henry has resigned from Hillary’s campaign in the wake of

Patti Solis Doyle’s departure. Hillary has basically skipped the

Potomac Primaries and is focusing on Texas. Obama has won all the

Potomac Primaries. He is winning by impressive numbers including

digging into Hillary’s core voters. If this trend continues,

Hillary is going to lose her “firewall” in Texas. The next debate

is in Texas. Hillary is better at debating but I think Obama

surprised us all at the California debate. The next debate should be

explosive. I do not know if Hillary will be able to keep her cool in

the wake of Obama’s February primary sweep.

McCain has finally won a southern primary just edging out

Huckabee. Romney got his usual 3%. Huckabee is continuing on they say

Source: adianmcguire.blogspot.com via politisite

– 90% –

Obama 63%, Clinton 36%

 McCain 49%, Huckabee 42%, Paul 5%

Maryland – 0% Reporting

Democrat -Obama 48%, Clinton 41%

Republican- McCain 62%, Huckabee 19%, Paul 8%

9:46 pm – Virgina – 88% –

Obama 63%, Clinton 36%

 McCain 50%, Huckabee 42%, Paul 4%

In case you are just joining US Politisite has called DC, MD,

VA for OBAMA / McCain

District of Columbia – 49% Reporting –

Democrat – Obama 76 %, Clinton 24%

Republican – McCain 67%, Huckabee 17%, Paul 9%

Maryland – 0% Reporting 

Democrat – Obama 33%, Clinton 50%

Republican -McCain 57%, Huckabee 26%, Paul 8%

9:35 pm – Virgina – 85% Reporting –

Obama 63%, Clinton 36%

 McCain 49%, Huckabee 42%, Paul 4%

9:33  pm – We will now begin our coverage of MD and DC

9:31 pm -Maryland is called for Obama / McCain as both will

receive win by  large margins

9:23 pm – Virgina – 80% Reporting

Obama 63%, Clinton 36%

 McCain 49%, Huckabee 43%, Paul 4%

9:17 – Sen Clinton is giving her NON Concession speech in El Paso


ABC2 News


the link to our LIVE COVERAGE – updater’s happens each half

hour — 9pm – 9:30pm – 10pm – 10:30pm east coast…

9:16 pm – Virgina – 75% – It appears that McCain will win by 6%


Obama 63%, Clinton 36%

 McCain 49%, Huckabee 43%, Paul 4%

9:06 pm – Analysis: Facing Losses, Clinton Recasts


(AP) – Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has found a lot of ways

to explain her string of losses to Sen. Barack Obama. She’s going to

have to come up with yet another excuse for losing Virginia Tuesday


Obama prevailed by a 2-to-1 margin in the state based on exit

surveys. He was also expected to win primaries in Maryland and the

District of Columbia, after sweeping four states plus the Virgin

Islands this past weekend.

It’s been a weekly challenge for Clinton, once the “inevitable”

front-runner, to justify her losses.

Caucus states, the former first lady says, are undemocratic and

cater only to party activists. Southern states, like Louisiana, have

“a very strong and very proud African-American electorate”

naturally predisposed to favor a black candidate

Source: apnews.myway.com via politisite

9:02 pm – Virgina –  69%

X Obama 63%, Clinton 36%

 X McCain 48%, Huckabee 44%, Paul 4%

8:55 pm – more exit poll numbers: while Hilliary is concerded

better on day one and woman still are going for Clinton.  Obama

has won the among Catholic  Voters in VA and MD. 

Young Voters are still a large portion of Obama base.  Obama is

surprising many pollsters as he continues to bring in new

demographics with each progression in the campaign.

8:52 pm – Another Clinton aid resigns – The next in line below

former Campaign manager Doyle has resigned allowing Maggie Williams

to select her own right hand.

8:48 pm –


(AP) — Sen. Barack Obama won the Virginia Democratic primary Tuesday

night and reached out for victories in next-door Maryland and the

District of Columbia, determined to erode or even erase Hillary

Rodham Clinton’s delegate lead in the party’s presidential race.

Republican front-runner John McCain survived an unexpectedly

difficult challenge of his own in Virginia before triumphing over

former Arkansas Gov., Mike Huckabee in a race that triggered a heavy

turnout of evangelical Christian voters.

Source: hosted.ap.org via politisite

8:45 pm – Virgina –  65%

Obama 61%, Clinton 38%

 McCain 47%, Huckabee 44%, Paul 4%

8:40 pm – Virgina –  65%

Obama 61%, Clinton 38%

 McCain 47%, Huckabee 44%, Paul 4%


8:38 pm – Virgina –  65%

Obama 61%, Clinton 38%

 McCain 47%, Huckabee 45%, Paul 4% McCain lead is expanding

to 3150 votes

8:35 pm – Virgina – 53% Reporting – discrepancy between R/ D

results D has 62%

Obama 61%, Clinton 38%

 McCain 47%, Huckabee 45%, Paul 4%

8:30 pm – Fox has Called Virginia for McCain, Karl Rove says that

he believe the margin will widen for McCain.  We projected a +3%

win so we don’t think that as Rove stated that he will be above 50%

we think 48 to 45.  CNN called The race for McCain 

8:28 pm – Virgina – 49% Reporting

Obama 61%, Clinton 38%

 McCain 47%, Huckabee 45%, Paul 4%

8:23 pm – Virgina – 44% Reporting

Obama 61%, Clinton 38%

 McCain 47%, Huckabee 45%, Paul 4%

8:20 pm – Virgina – 42% Reporting

Obama 62%, Clinton 37%

 McCain 46%, Huckabee 45%, Paul 4%

We are hearing that the small counties have reported first and

Large counties have not.  The large counties will favor McCain. 

McCain is actually getting a better percentage than he did in 2000. 

So our original view that McCain will win by 3 points may prevail.

8:07 pm – Virgina – 32% Reporting

Obama 62%, Clinton 37%

 McCain 47%, Huckabee 45%, Paul 4%

8:04 pm – Virgina – 27% Reporting – McCain is now two points ahead

Obama 61%, Clinton 38%

 McCain 47%, Huckabee 45%, Paul 4%

8:02 pm – Virgina – 27% Reporting – McCain has taken the lead

Obama 61%, Clinton 38%

 McCain 47%, Huckabee 46%, Paul 4%

8:00 pm – Virgina – 23% Reporting – Obamas lead has

stabilized  Huckabee / McCain are tied now

Obama 61%, Clinton 38%

Huckabee 46%, McCain 46%, Paul 4%

DC polls will lose in 3 minutes – Politisite Calls DC for

Obama, We believe Obama will win with +30 % Points

7:57 pm – Virgina – 22% Reporting

X Obama 61%, Clinton 38%

Huckabee 47%, McCain 45%, Paul 4%

7:53 pm – Virgina – 21% Reporting

Obama 61%, Clinton 38%

Huckabee 47%, McCain 45%, Paul 4%

7:52 pm – Virgina – 19% Reporting

Obama 61%, Clinton 38%

Huckabee 48%, McCain 44%, Paul 4%

UPDATE: Polls will be open in Maryland until 9:30 pm. 

Weather is an issue

This just in, snow and bad weather will keep the polls open an

extra 90 minutes.

So polls close at 9:30PM Eastern

Source: electiongeek.com via politisite

7:47 pm –  Virgina – 15% Reporting

Obama 61%, Clinton 38%

Huckabee 48%, McCain 44%, Paul 4%

CNN and Fox have confirmed the 7:42 statement

7:42 pm – Due to traffic issues the Polls in Maryland will be

open for an additional hour.  Now closing at 9:00 pm

7:40 pm – Virgina – 9% Reporting

Obama 62%, Clinton 37%

Huckabee 48%, McCain 45%, Paul 3%


7:38 pm –
Virgina – 7% Reporting

Obama 63%, Clinton 36%

Huckabee 51%, McCain 43%, Paul 3%

7:35 pm -Notice,  as in SC, left the Potomac region an is now

in Texas.  Lets cal this the Hillary Exit poll.  If she

leaves she will lose.  The Hilliary exit poll says she will lose

in DC, VA, and MD

7:34 pm – Virgina – 5% Reporting

Obama 63%, Clinton 36%

Huckabee 51%, McCain 42%, Paul 3%

7:32 pm –  Virgina – 4% Reporting

Obama 64%, Clinton 35%

Huckabee 50%, McCain 43%, Paul 3%

7:30 pm – Virgina – 4% Reporting

Democrat – Delegates at Stake

Obama 62%, Clinton 37%

Huckabee 49%, McCain 44%, Paul 3%

7:28 pm –
Virgina – 2% Reporting

Democrat – Delegates at Stake

Obama 59%, Clinton 41%

Huckabee 58%, McCain 35%, Paul 4%

7:27 pm –
Virgina – 2% Reporting

Democrat – Delegates at Stake

Obama 60%, Clinton 39%

Huckabee 56%, McCain 37%, Paul 4% 

7:25 pm –
Virgina – 2% Reporting

Democrat – Delegates at Stake

Obama 57%, Clinton 42%

McCain 37%, Huckabee 56%, Paul 4%

7:23 pm –
Virgina – 2% Reporting

Democrat – Delegates at Stake

Obama 56%, Clinton 43%

McCain 33%, Huckabee 60%, Paul 3%

7:20 pm –
Virgina – 2% Reporting

Democrat – Delegates at Stake

Obama 51 %, Clinton 48%

McCain 38%, Huckabee 55%, Paul 4% 

7:17 pm –  Virgina – 0% Reporting

Democrat – Delegates at Stake

Obama 51 %, Clinton 48%

McCain 52%, Huckabee 43%, Paul 4%

Virgina – 0% Reporting

Democrat – Delegates at Stake- 83

X Obama 61 %, Clinton 39%

Republican – Delegates at Stake – 60

McCain 52%, Huckabee 43%, Paul 4%

7:08 pm – Republican Race too close to call based on exit

polling.  We gave McCain the Win last night winning by +3 % 

Exit  Polling is saying, Not so fast as Huckabee has a real

chance here.

7:00 pm –  Fox / CNN / NBC / NPR has Called Obama


Source: npr.org via politisite

You may also wish to view


Political Projections : DC, MD, &

VA for this contest.  You can find our past

reviews and coverage by typing Politisite in the search area at


This information is posted in reverse chronological order. 

Newest updates will be posted at the top.  Older posts at the

bottom.  For a synopsis of events as they unfold please read

from bottom to top.  Each post is time stamped.

6:06 pm – Fox News is reporting that  its a very Good

day for Obama and McCain. Indi voters are voting for Obama 66% vs

Clinton 33% in VA. CNN relates that voters who listen to talk radio

are backing Mike Huckabee  42% to 23 percent for McCain. I

Evangelicals  vote for Huckabee by a 2-1 Margin

5:58 -Even Rush Limbaugh is weighing in – is Rush objective at

this point?


#3: Chesapeake Primary Looks Good for Obama

RUSH: Now, before we get back to the politics stuff, I know this

is the Potomac primary, and Obama’s going to sweep it today.

Hillary’s going to open tomorrow down in Texas. Her latest firewall

is Texas. New Hampshire was a firewall. She’s had some other

firewalls: New York and California. She’s going to head down to Texas

hoping Texas and Ohio will slow down Obama. Obama’s going to win big

in the three states today, and that’s going to give him momentum like

crazy, but that says, “Winner! Winner! Winner!” This is

going to be, what, eight in a row; seven in a row that he will have

smoked Mrs. Clinton? He will have beaten Mrs. Clinton profoundly. So

it’s going to be hard to turn this momentum around, but remember now

we’re talking about the Clinton’s, and as I said yesterday, “Imagine

something you’ve wanted more than anything in your life. It consumes

you, and you couple that with this arrogant notion that you are owed

it and that it’s only a matter of time, and you will do anything to

get it.” So even though Obama is going to sweep, it’s going to

be fun to watch.

Story #4: Stunning: White Evangelicals Vote Democrat!

RUSH: This is a Reuters story. “Exit polls during the U.S.

presidential primaries in Missouri and Tennessee last week show the

Democratic Party has some support from white evangelicals, a group

strongly associated with the Republican Party.” No! Really? You

mean there are actually Christians in America who vote for Democrats,

and the Drive-Bys are just discovering that? Why, how can this be?

You know, it’s another one of these myths. This story is akin to the

TIME Magazine cover back in 1996 or whenever it was. You remember

this cover that said: News flash! Boys and girls are actually born

different! Men and women born different? Can you imagine for that to

be a cover story, what the editors had to think about boys and girls

— and that when they learned they are born different, it was such

shocking news they made a cover story out of it? So now Reuters has

been looking at exit poll data, and, lo and behold! They’re finding

out there’s some white Christians vote Democrat. Good Lordy! Who

would have ever thunk it?

“Commissioned by Faith in Public Life, a non-partisan

resource center, and conducted by Zogby International,” who has

gotten every single poll wrong throughout the primary, by the way,

“the surveys were the first to ask Democratic voters…”

the first! “…to ask Democratic voters if they were evangelical

or born-again Christians. The findings reinforce other surveys

showing that Republicans still command most of the support of this

voting bloc but by no means have a monopoly on its affections.”

Really? Why, I’m shocked! “In Missouri, the polls showed 34

percent of all white evangelicals who voted took part in the

Democratic primary versus 66 percent in the Republican primary.”

How many Democrats is this going to embarrass? You know, there are a

lot of establishment Republican types — I’ve told you the stories

over and over again — that are profoundly embarrassed that

evangelicals and born-again Christians are in their party, because of

abortion. I wonder if this is going to embarrass Democrat liberals to

find out that they have Christians, white Christians in their party

voting for Democrats. Stunning.

Source: rushlimbaugh.com via politisite

5:32 pm – Basic exit poll information is out

Virginia Republicans, Huckabee

voters 42% “often listen to talk radio”, McCain voters just 23%

64% of Huckabee voters are born-again/Evangelical
32% for



Clinton and Obama voters put
Economy #1
Iraq #2

Care #3

Voters for both rank them the same with about the same percentages

Blacks made up more than a third of the Democratic

electorate in Maryland, a little less than that in Virginia. In both

states women outnumbered men in the Democratic contests. Men and

women were pretty evenly divided in the Republican primaries in both


5:29 pm –  

Early Exit Poll Data in MD, VA



As they helped decide whether their party will nominate the first

woman or first black for president, more than eight in 10 voters in

the Maryland and Virginia Democratic primaries said the country is

ready to elect a black or female president.

Democratic voters in Virginia were a little more likely than their

counterparts in Maryland to say the country “definitely”

was ready for a black or female president, rather than just

“probably” ready.

Blacks in Virginia were a little less likely than whites there to

say the country is ready to elect a female president.


Blacks made up more than a third of the Democratic electorate in

Maryland, a little less than that in Virginia. In both states women

outnumbered men in the Democratic contests. Men and women were pretty

evenly divided in the Republican primaries in both states.


Voters in both parties in both states most often picked the

economy as the most important issue facing the country.

From partial samples conducted by Edison Media Research and

Mitofsky International in 30 precincts each in Maryland and Virginia

for The Associated Press and television networks. Sample sizes:

Maryland Democratic 790; Maryland Republican 439; Virginia Democratic

864; Virginia Republican 461.[/q]

5:27 pm –  The Daily kos Humor about our desire to know the

short term future

Early Exit Polling Has Gravel With a Substantial Lead In Potomac


by LunkHead

Tue Feb 12, 2008 at 06:00:40 AM PST

On the Republican side, Ronald Reagan’s mouldering corpse is

showing unexpected strength.
So says a friend of my step-mother’s

ex-husband’s widow’s husbands hairstylists.
This is a snarky plea

not to report every rumor as gospel, and to try and not make today

“the night of a thousand exit poll diaries”, which sounds

like an episode of the 1960s show Wild, Wild West.

some sanity?

Source: dailykos.com via politisite

5:05 pm –

Early Exit Poll Data in MD, VA


majorities of voters in the Maryland and Virginia Democratic

presidential primaries say the country is ready to elect a black or

female president, according to exit polls.

As they helped decide whether their party will nominate the first

woman or black, more than eight in 10 voters in the Democratic

contests Tuesday in Maryland and Virginia said the country is ready

make history in November.

The exit polls for The Associated Press and television networks

found Democratic voters in Virginia were a little more likely than

their counterparts in Maryland to say the country “definitely”

was ready for a black or woman president, rather than just “probably”


Source: ap.google.com via politisite

3:57 pm – WMAR in Baltimore, MD a NowPublic Contributer will be

providing coverage on the election results beginning at 8 pm-

Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton denied Monday that

her campaign is in trouble after losing to Barack Obama in four

weekend voting contests and replacing her campaign manager.


still ahead in the popular vote and in delegates,” Clinton


Speaking to reporters after touring

a General Motors plant outside Baltimore, Clinton said she feels very

good about the state of the race, even though she is not expected to

win any victories between now and March 4, when voters in Texas and

Ohio cast ballots.

“We had a great

night on Super Tuesday,” Clinton said, referring to the 22

states that voted Feb. 5. Clinton won 8 states to Obama’s 13 but

scored in many of the biggest contests including

York, California, Massachusetts and New Jersey. And they

the delegates almost evenly.


believe if you look at the states coming upcoming, I am very


The former first lady

said the decision by Patti Solis Doyle to step down as campaign

manager was personal and reflected the toll of the long campaign, not

a problem with her job performance.


have the greatest respect and affection for her,” Clinton said.

“I’m grateful for the enormously successful job that she’s


She said Solis Doyle would

remain a senior adviser. Maggie Williams, a longtime Clinton

confidante and former chief of staff from Clinton’s days as first

lady, replaced Solis Doyle.

ABC2 News will

have complete coverage of Clinton’s Maryland visit on ABC2 News at 5

and 6 o’clock.

Source: abc2news.com via politisite

12:09 pm – OyGirl relates her experience at the poll. 

Interesting that the oll worker didnt ask her Republican or

Democrat.  The poll worker said, “Democrat?”

Today, I voted. The line was the longest I’ve ever seen. 

We waited 45 minutes. When you get to the table, they ask

if you want to vote in the democratic or republican primary. 

They did not ask me, the woman looked at me and said “democrat?”

Ours was a paper ballot, with the little circle next to the names,

that you color in with a pen. [I noticed that the names listed –

which still included the names of candidates that had bowed out- were

not in alphabetical order, or in any order that makes any kind of

sense to me. Then you walk to a machine and feed the paper in,

and wait for the little counter to go up to ensure it takes. I had to

feed mine through twice before that little counter went up. I was the

300th person to vote in my precinct.  At roughly 10 am. Of the

300 votes, 195 were for the democratic primary.  There was

nobody from CNN taking exit polls.

Source: oygirl.wordpress.com via politisite

11:59 am EST –


week we posted an entry

that talked about the fact that most exit polls don’t ask Democratic

voters if they are evangelicals. This week we find out that the Zogby

polling group did just that in Missouri and Tennessee during last

week’s primaries. According to a Yahoo

News story on the exit polls, they were commissioned by a

organization called Faith in Public Life. Faith in Public Life is

described as a non-partisan resource center.

The results are

interesting. This is a quote from the Yahoo article:


Missouri, the polls showed 34 percent of all white evangelicals who

voted took part in the Democratic primary versus 66 percent in the

Republican primary.

Evangelicals made up 19 percent of all

Democratic voters in Missouri and supported Clinton over Obama by 54

percent to 37 percent, closely mirroring the vote among all


In Tennessee, the polls indicated 32 percent of

primary voters who fit this profile were Democratic and accounted for

29 percent of the party’s vote there.

It would be

interesting to see what such exit polls would show for Ohio. One

problem with the media is that very few reporters actually know white

evangelicals. Since they don’t know from personal experience any

evangelical voters who are Democratic, it is easy for them to

conclude that all such voters are Republicans.

This, of

course, is not true. Indeed in 2004, according to the 2004 CNN exit

poll, 21% of white evangelicals voted for John Kerry and they made up

23% of the electorate. Raising that percentage to 30% would have made

a big impact on the 2004 election since Bush lost those voters who

were not white, evangelicals by a 56% to 43% margin.

Source: mcdac.blogspot.com via politisite

Young voter turn out –


to the results from CNN exit polls and from the Center for

Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, young

voters have turned out in record numbers in more than 20 states. In

nearly every state holding a primary or caucus last Tuesday, youth

turnout surged, doubling turnouts from the 2000 and 2004 electoral


Source: diverseeducation.com via politisite

What is an Exit Poll?

An exit poll is a poll of voters taken immediately after

they have exited the polling stations. Unlike an opinion

poll, which asks who the voter plans to vote for or some similar

formulation, an exit poll asks who the voter actually voted for. A

similar poll conducted before actual voters have voted is called an


poll. Pollsters – usually private companies working for


or broadcasters – conduct exit polls to gain an early indication as

to how an election has turned out, as in many elections the actual

result may take hours or even days to count.

Source: en.wikipedia.org via politisite

District of Columbia polling place Politisite Real Time Election Results South Carolina Democratic Primary Super Tueday Politisite Political Projections : DC, MD, & VA Obama- Primaries & Caucuses ( Virginia Maryland DC ) Barack Obama wins delegates DC VA MD -  Portrait of Obama Barack Obama wins delegates DC VA MD Music Videos Mix 12 Official Ballot Box Prohibited Area Sample Ballot (Republican) Complaint Form Virginia Election Laws What If... Provisional Ballot Rights and Responsibilities Polling Place This Way Sample Ballot (Democratic) Attention All Voters Districts Map McCainlaughing McCainRanna Polling Place "I voted" sticker

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