Seton Hall University on LOCK Down following shooting

Man shoots himself, is rushed to hospital from Seton Hall, authorities say. 

We are waiting all clear for Campus authorities. 

10:40 –  ALL Clear issued at Seton Hall.  Politisite wanted to bring you this news as other news services did’t catch it right away.  This incident had a good outcome as only the gunman was injured.  Officals are not sure why this man who was not student came on campus.  There was speclation that he was going to attack someone on campus but discharged the weapon on himself.  He ws transported to a hospital in Newark NJ.

10:49pm -Here is a student from Seton Hall and his take on the situation

Officials’ open lie!! or school shootting within the gates

Officials’ open lie!! or school shooting within the gates

Ok. First I get an emergency email form my school telling me that due to na accident in Xavier (is one of the campus dorms) everybody should report to their respective domrs and stay there.
School is on lockdown.
Someone has been shot….yes my school is in Newark. Yet the school community is gated!!! Thus, common occurances of such sort do occur. However, never on campus.
Well tonight it changes.
Thus, of course I make a few phone calls, a few txts, and a few ims, and find out that yes: somebody was shot as my friends have seen one person being taken away on a stretcher and another person being walked away by the police in cuffs. -notice 2 different people!!.
Yet this is an official explanation I am getting from my emergency school responce system: 

Source: via politisite

Announcement:Campus Security Alert

2/11/08 10:30 PM

Update 10:30 pm: As reported earlier, at 8:23 this evening, a young male, not a student, drove on to campus. He came to Xavier Hall apparently having shot himself. He was in search of a friend who is a SHU student. As a result of the self-inflicted, gun shot injury, the young man was transported to the hospital for treatment. The campus had been in lockdown mode for a short period of time as a precautionary measure. The police have now released the crime scene and indicated that the University may resume normal operations.

Source: via politisite

10:30 pm –  Seton Hall campus under lockdown; report of possible shooting

SOUTH ORANGE, N.J. – The Seton Hall University campus in South Orange is under lockdown and students are being told to remain in their dormitories.

Campus radio station WSOU-FM is reporting that police are investigating a possible shooting at Xavier Hall, a campus residence hall.

A university spokeswoman was not immediately able to provide any further information.

A spokesman at University Hospital in Newark says there is a patient there who may be from Seton Hall.

Source: via politisite

10:26 pm First NJ Paper to follow the story

 Man shoots himself, is rushed to hospital from Seton Hall, authorities say

The friend of a Seton Hall University student was rushed from the campus tonight with a self-inflicted gunshot wound, and police shut down the campus as a precaution, campus and law enforcement officials said.

The unidentified man was discovered on campus at roughly 8:30 p.m. and rushed to University Hospital in Newark, where he was being treated tonight, according to Tom White, a university spokesman. His condition was unknown, but White said he had shot himself in the side.

Essex County Prosecutor Paula Dow said the man apparently shot himself inside a vehicle on campus and confirmed he was not a university student.

Campus police sealed off the university after the shooting

Source: via politisite

Here is the actual email / Web post that went out to students.

Announcement: Xavier Hall Incident

Issuing Office: Office of Student Affairs

02/11/2008 09:41 PM

At approximately 8:23 this evening, a non-student, young male shot himself and then came to Xavier Hall seemingly in search of a friend who is a SHU student As a result of the self-inflicted gun shot injury, the male has been transported to the hospital for treatment.   Additionally, since the weapon has not yet been found, the campus is in a lockdown status until further notice.

No student or any other person was injured The South Orange Police and members of the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office are on the campus investigating the incident An update will be posted as soon as information is available, but no later than 10:30 pm.

Source: via politisite

Here is another report just received

COED has received reports that there was a shooting on the campus of Seton Hall University in South Orange, NJ.

Campus is on lock down (meaning no one can enter or exit) and students have been instructed to stay in their locked dorm rooms until further notice. Police/helicopters are on the scene.

Seton Hall University Campus Shooting “Rumor Mill”:

9:20PM Students walking around campus were asked to report immediately to the “locked down” Library located 200 yards from the resident hall where the shooting took place.

9:22 PM: A police source tells COED there was a “self inflicted” shooting in Xavier Hall.

9:28 PM Seton Hall University sent an email and text message to all students stating:

As a result of an incident in Xavier Hall, all should report to and stay in their rooms until further notice.

9:47 PM: Seton Hall University has released a statement:

At approximately 8:23 this evening, a non-student, young male shot himself and then came to Xavier Hall seemingly in search of a friend who is a SHU student.

As a result of the self-inflicted gun shot injury, the male has been transported to the hospital for treatment.

Additionally, since the weapon has not yet been found, the campus is in a lockdown status until further notice. No student or any other person was injured.

The South Orange Police and members of the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office are on the campus investigating the incident.

An update will be posted as soon as information is available, but no later than 10:30 pm.

Source: via politisite

Seton Hall University Xavier Hall at  Seton Hall University on LOCK Down

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