Shake Up in Clinton Camp Following Dismal Election Results Doyle Out

Shake Up in Clinton Camp Following Dismal Election Results Doyle Out, Campaign Manager Patti Solis Doyle Steps Down

Politisite Note:  I have intervieved Patti several times on the campaign trail.  She is an energetic passionette advocate of Hilliary Clinton.  I am surprised that she is stressed out as she is a very strong woman.  She related that this has been a long campaign and it has as most nominees are selected by now. In addition the start of this election cycle was the earliest in recent years. 

By Kristin Jensen

Clinton Feb. 10 (Bloomberg) — Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager stepped down a day after Clinton lost three contests for the Democratic presidential nomination to Barack Obama.

Patti Solis Doyle, who has run Clinton’s campaign since she entered the race in January of last year, will remain as a senior adviser as Maggie Williams takes over, campaign spokesman Mo Elleithee said. In a note to the staff today, Solis Doyle cited the strain of the extended fight for the nomination.

“This has already been the longest presidential campaign in the history of our nation, and one that has required enormous sacrifices from all of us and our families,” Solis Doyle said.

The change doesn’t represent any concern about the direction of the campaign, Elleithee said. “We’re doing great,” he said. “It’s a competitive race.”

Both Solis Doyle and Williams are longtime friends of Clinton’s. When Clinton was first lady in the 1990s, Williams served as her White House chief of staff.

Source: via politisite

From the Right

Michell Malkin

Upheaval in Hillaryland: Patti Solis Doyle out; Johnny Chung-tainted Maggie Williams in

By Michelle Malkin  •  February 10, 2008 05:51 PM

It was just a little over a month ago that Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, open borders activist and Norman Hsu guest Patti Solis Doyle, was enjoying the spotlight and basking in glory. The self-styled “Latina Queena” was profiled in the Wall Street Journal as Hill’s soul sister and primary foe of the “white boys” in the Clinton camp.

Well, the Latina Queena’s politics of identity ain’t working so well for Hill. And now it’s so long, Solis Doyle. Who’s back in? Another moldy oldie from the Clinton closet: Maggie Williams. Here’s the statement at the Hillary website:

Patti Solis Doyle has done an extraordinary job in getting us to this point – within reach of the nomination – and I am enormously grateful for her friendship and her outstanding work. And, as Patti has said, this already has been the longest presidential campaign in history and one that has required enormous sacrifices of everyone and our families. I look forward to her continued advice in the months ahead. Patti and I have worked with Maggie Williams for more than a decade. I am lucky to have Maggie on board and I know she will lead our campaign with great skill towards the nomination.

If you can’t remember Maggie Williams, go here. She was knee-deep in the Johnny Chung scandal.

Source: via politisite

From the Left

Breaking: Hillary Top Staff Being Reshuffled; Solis Doyle Replaced As Campaign Manager

By Greg Sargent – February 10, 2008, 3:52PM

I’ve just obtained an internal Hillary email from campaign manager Patty Solis Doyle to Hillary’s staff announcing that in a reshuffling of the campaign’s inner circle, she’s leaving the post of campaign manager, and is being replaced by longtime trusted aide Maggie Williams:

Over a year ago Hillary launched her campaign for President.

Her announcement began a historic effort that has inspired millions and brought hundreds of thousands to their feet all across this nation.

I have been proud to manage this campaign, and prouder still to call Hillary my friend for more than sixteen years. I know that she will make a great President.

This has already been the longest Presidential campaign in the history of our nation, and one that has required enormous sacrifices from all of us and our families.

During the last month I have been working closely with my longtime friend, Maggie Williams.

This week Maggie will begin to assume the duties of campaign manager. I will serve as a senior adviser to Hillary and the campaign and travel with Hillary from time to time on the road. Maggie is a remarkable person and I am confident that she will do a fabulous job.

Although I will continue to see you all at headquarters, I would be remiss if I didn’t thank each of you for your dedication, excellence, and passion over the last year.

You are the best campaign staff in the history of Presidential politics and I am grateful to each of you for your hard work and friendship.


The replacement of Doyle was first rumored after Hillary’s loss in Iowa, but the chatter of her impending departure vanished with her subsequent victories. Now Dolye, who’s been with Hillary for many years, is out at a moment where the campaign faces a dark February, during which she may not win a single contest.

Source: via politisite

Shake Up in Clinton Camp after Dismal Election Results Doyle Out

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