Questions about Chelsea Clinton at polling place

Questions about Chelsea at polling place

Posted Feb. 5, 2008
Updated 7:25 PM

(WTNH) _ This might cause a headache for Sen. Hillary Clinton’s campaign in Connecticut. It’s Chelsea Clinton inside a New Haven polling place at 6:00 a.m.

So why might this be an issue? According to state law, candidates or a candidate’s representative, such as someone wearing a sign, have to stay 75-feet away from polling places “on the day of any primary”.

The daughter of the Democratic presidential candidate was delivering a box of coffee to poll workers and talking with a firefighter in New Haven. According to a News Channel 8 photographer who was there, when the moderator announced that the polls are open, Clinton immediately went outside.

“I did not consider it an issue because she didn’t come here, as far as I’m concerned, to influence anything here or disrupt us,” said New Haven election moderator Nilda Torres.

The Clinton incident prompted an e-mail from the Secretary of the State’s office to the New Haven Registrar of Voters, reminding them of the 75-foot law.

Source: via politisite

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