Super Tuesday Near Real Time Election Results: AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, GA, MO, OK, TN, and WV

Super Tuesday Real Time Election Results

By Albert N. Milliron, Editor 

To view this document please scroll down to the bottom as it is in reverse chronological order. 

We think with the difficult weather in Arkansas the reporting will be delayed.  All states we cover have been called.  The news is that Huckabee is a big winner but with very little place to go.  I can’t see a scenerio where Huckabee or Romney can win the nomination.  It would be best if Romney heed conservative calls for him to pull out.  Huckabee should probably follow.  Ron Paul can between 3-6% in all races with one big state Alaska where he beat McCain. Pauls only state where he got double digits was Alaska.  The battle between Obama and Clinton continues.  Many of us in the field have received several emails from the Clinton Campaign with the usual Spin.  Obama made an excellent showing appeal to the south as expected but also in the majority white north.  Obama did better in Caucus states due to his excellent organization skills and finances.  Romney also did best in caucus situations as well.  We think he has financs that help in such situations. 

Look for our report on Feb 6th the day after Super Tuesday for our comparisons of our projections and the actual outcomes.  We will also let you know who got it right in the Pollster world.

Good night from

California – 53% Reporting
X Clinton 53%, Obama 39%
X McCain 43%, Romney 30%, Huckabee 12%, Paul 4%

 Arkansas – 87% Reporting
X Clinton 69%, Obama 27%
X Huckabee 60%, McCain 20%, Romney 13%, Paul 5%

 2:55 am – AP Calls Missouri for Clinton — Then ‘Uncalls’ It

NEW YORK One of the states in the big Super Tuesday balloting yesterday that just would not swing to one column or another, in either party, was Missouri. Finally, the networks and The Associated Press called it for John McCain. AP also called it for Hillary Clinton.

But the networks did not budge on the latter, and soon AP sent out a notice saying it had “uncalled” the state for Clinton. NBC soon called Obama the “apparent winner” while the other news outlets didn’t decide one way of the other.

Source: via politisite


 2008 Race: Super Tuesday summary

2008 Race: Super Tuesday summary of election results

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both made it clear they are serious contenders for the Democratic race, and they both likely personally earned each other’s respect tonight.

Mitt Romney, though he has pledged to go on, had a dismal day, where Mike Huckabee earned more delegates. John McCain should easily make the nomination for Republican primary candidate, excluding a possible revolt of delegates at the Republican convention.

States won:

Obama:Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Utah (totaling approx. 137 delegates tonight, 306 tally so far)***

Clinton: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Tennessee (totaling approx. 130 delegates tonight, 371 tally so far)***

John McCain: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma (won 363 delegates tonight, 474 tally so far)

Mike Huckabee: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, West Virginia (won 76 delegates tonight, 105 tally so far)

Mitt Romney: Colorado, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Utah (won 57 delegates tonight, 151 tally so far)

Source: via politisite

2:36 am – AZ – 81% Reporting
X Clinton 51%, Obama 42%
X McCain 47%, Romney 34%, Huckabee 9%, Paul 4%

2:34 am – in NM a reversal as Obama overtakes Clinton

Mitt Romney Wins Republican Caucuses in Alaska

In his seventh victory of the night, NPR predicts that former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney will win the Republican caucuses in Alaska.

Mike Huckabee was second, Ron Paul a strong third and John McCain a distant fourth.

Source: via politisite


 NM – 38% Reporting
Obama 48.4%, Clinton 48.1%

2:28 am – Fox just called Alaska for Romney (notice he wins another caucus) RON Paul Beats McCain in Alaska

2:27 am –  AZ – 81% Reporting
X Clinton 51%, Obama 42%
X McCain 47%, Romney 34%, Huckabee 9%, Paul 4%

2:25 am –  California – 38% Reporting
X Clinton 53%, Obama 37%
X McCain 43%, Romney 28%, Huckabee 12%, Paul 4%

2:23 am –  Alaska – 98% Reporting
X Obama 74%, Clinton 26%
X Romney 44%, Huckabee 22%, Paul 17%, McCain 16%

1:53 am –  California – 30% Reporting
X Clinton 53%, Obama 37%
X McCain 44%, Romney 27%, Huckabee 12%, Paul 4%

1:51 am – Last report for Georgia 

GA – 98% Reporting
X Obama 66%, Clinton 31%
X Huckabee 34%, 32%, Romney 30%, Paul 3%

 1:42 am -Arkansas – 85% Reporting
X Clinton 69%, Obama 27%
X Huckabee 61%, McCain 20%, Romney 13%, Paul 5%


Clinton Campaign Keeps E-Mailing Reporters

Don’t just spin behind the scenes! Announce it publicly!

Over the course of the night, the Hillary Clinton camp has repeatedly sent e-mails to political reporters containing its talking points. Those are the consultant-crafted, focus-group-tested, easily digestible assertions that a candidate’s big-name supporters repeat robotically for the benefit of every cable channel and radio station and newspaper columnist. They either boast of infallibility or explain away losses.

Mara Liasson Reports she received those talking points five times tonight — five times! Usually, they are closely guarded by the campaigns, even though they’re ultimately relatively easy to discern — but these e-mails strip the process unusually bare.

1:39 am –  NM – 28% Reporting
Clinton 51%, Obama 42%

1:37 am – AZ – 72% Reporting
X Clinton 50%, Obama 41%
X McCain 47%, Romney 34%, Huckabee 9%, Paul 4% 

1:35 am –  California – 23% Reporting
X Clinton 54%, Obama 34%
X McCain 44%, Romney 26%, Huckabee 12%, Paul 4%

1:27 am – Politisite calls Alaska for OBAMA we are waiting on Republican Results which should be interesting.  Lived in Alaska for 4 1/2 years while do Arctic Medical Research in 1996 Pat Buchannon got 33% of the Vote followed by Steve Forbes 31% Bob Dole got only 17% and Allan Keyes got 10% does that give you an idea?  Ron Paul should do well here. 

Alaska – 95% Reporting
X Obama 74%, Clinton 26%

1:14 am –  Alaska – 60% Reporting
Obama 72%, Clinton 27%

1:10 am –  

Update from New Mexico

New Mexico had what it called a Democratic caucus today, though it seemed more like a primary because people voted at polling places rather than meeting to discuss candidates.

Vote counting is going very slowly, with none of the major urban areas — Albuquerque and Santa Fe — counted four hours after the polls have closed. Clinton has a slight lead so far.

— Ted Robbins

Source: via politisite

1:09 am – Some problems accured in California with Independants who are allowed to vote in the Democratic Primary.  Some of these were turned away.  Poll workers were confused and some voters went away without voting.  The Obama Camp may legally contest that independants were not allowed to vote and thus the results are in question.  Politisites View is it s a voters reponcibility to educat oneself about the process and know the rules for voting prior to entering a polling place as in most states poll workers are not allowed to help one chose a ballet for a party.

California – 20% Reporting
X Clinton 54%, Obama 33%
X McCain 44%, Romney 26%, Huckabee 12%, Paul 4%

1:07 am –  AZ – 68% Reporting
X Clinton 50%, Obama 41%
X McCain 47%, Romney 34%, Huckabee 9%, Paul 4%

1:06 am – We begin our Coverage on NM

 NM – 1%
Clinton 42%, Obama 38%

1:03 am – Our last Report for MIssiouri – Surprising win for Obama here

 Missouri – 100% Reporting
X Obama 49%, Clinton 48%
X McCain 33%, Huckabee 32% , Romney 29%, Paul 4%

1:01 am –  Arkansas – 83% Reporting
X Clinton 69%, Obama 23%
X Huckabee 60%, McCain 21%, Romney 13%, Paul 5%

12:57 am – These will be our last reports for the SouthEast

 Alabama – 99% Reporting

X Obama 56%, Clinton 42%
 X Huckabee 41%, McCain 37%, Romney 18%, Paul 3%

GA – 95% Reporting
X Obama 66%, Clinton 32%
X Huckabee 34%, 32%, Romney 30%, Paul 3%

Tennessee 99% Reporting
X Clinton 54%, Obama 41%,
X Huckabee 34%,McCain 31%,  Romney 24%, Paul 6%

12:52 am –  California – 17% Reporting – We are calling California
X Clinton 55%, Obama 33%
X McCain 44%, Romney 25%, Huckabee 12%, Paul 4%

12:51 am –  AZ – 67% Reporting
X Clinton 50%, Obama 41%
X McCain 47%, Romney 34%, Huckabee 9%, Paul 4%

12:47 am – Politisite begins covering Alaska

Alaska – 60% Reporting
Obama 72%, Clinton 27%

12:45 am –  Missouri – 99% Reporting
X Obama 49%, Clinton 48%
X McCain 33%, Huckabee 32% , Romney 29%, Paul 4%

12:42 am –  Arkansas – 75% Reporting
X Clinton 73%, Obama 23%
X Huckabee 62%, McCain 20%, Romney 13%, Paul 5%

12:41 am –  Tennessee 98% Reporting
X Clinton 54%, Obama 41%,
X Huckabee 34%,McCain 31%,  Romney 24%, Paul 6%

12:39 am –  Alabama – 99% Reporting

X Obama 56%, Clinton 42%
 X Huckabee 41%, McCain 37%, Romney 18%, Paul 3%

12:34 am –  GA – 95% Reporting
X Obama 66%, Clinton 32%
X Huckabee 34%, 32%, Romney 30%, Paul 3%

12:31 am –  AZ – 66% Reporting
X Clinton 50%, Obama 41%
X McCain 47%, Romney 34%, Huckabee 9%, Paul 4%

12:29 am – Politisite  is not ready to cal california with only 16% of the vote

California – 16% Reporting
Clinton 55%, Obama 33%
McCain 44%, Romney 25%, Huckabee 12%, Paul 4%

12:27 am – CNN Calls Missouri for McCain we call it at 12:22 AM 

12:25 am – CNN calls California for Clinton and McCain 

12:22 am – Another Reversal in Missouri Clinton was called the Winner by some networks but Obama now has a 7 thousand vote lead.  We are calling the state for Obama and McCain

 Missouri – 98% Reporting
X Obama 49%, Clinton 48%
X McCain 33%, Huckabee 32% , Romney 29%, Paul 4%

12:20 am –  Arkansas – 74% Reporting
X Clinton 72%, Obama 23%
X Huckabee 62%, McCain 20%, Romney 13%, Paul 5%

12:19 am –  Tennessee 98% Reporting
X Clinton 54%, Obama 41%,
X Huckabee 34%,McCain 31%,  Romney 24%, Paul 6%

12:16 am – Bold means state called X shows winner 

Alabama – 97% Reporting

X Obama 56%, Clinton 42%
 X Huckabee 41%, McCain 37%, Romney 18%, Paul 3%

12:14 am – CNN calls AZ for Clinton Politisite Called at 12:10 am 

12:13 am –  Georgia – 92%

X Obama 64%, Clinton 33%
X Huckabee 34%, McCain 31%, Romney 30%, Paul 3%

12:10 am – We now begin coverage on AZ –  

AZ – 63% Reporting
X Clinton 50%, Obama 41%
X McCain 47%, Romney 33%, Huckabee 9%, Paul 4%

12:07 am –  California – 14% Reporting
Clinton 55%, Obama 32%
McCain 44%, Romney 25%, Huckabee 12%, Paul 4%

12:05 am – CNN called TN for Huckabee Politisite caled it at 12:01 am 

Missouri – 94% Reporting
X Clinton 49%, Obama 48%
McCain 33%, Huckabee 32% , Romney 29%, Paul 4%

12:03 am –  Arkansas – 73% Reporting
X Clinton 72%, Obama 24%
X Huckabee 61%, McCain 20%, Romney 13%, Paul 5%

12:01 am –  Tennessee 91% Reporting
X Clinton 56%, Obama 38%,
X Huckabee 34%,McCain 32%,  Romney 24%, Paul 6%

11:59 pm –  Alabama – 96% Reporting

X Obama 56%, Clinton 42%
X Huckabee 41%, McCain 37%, Romney 18%, Paul 3%

11:58 pm –  Georgia – 91%

X Obama 64%, Clinton 33%
X Huckabee 34%, McCain 32%, Romney 30%, Paul 3%

11:52 pm Ryan Nadel is providing additional coverage  Super Tuesday Super Story

11:48 pm –  We begin our coverage of California – 10% Reporting
Clinton 55%, Obama 32%
McCain 43%, Romney 26%, Huckabee 12%, Paul 4%

11:46 pm –  Missouri – 91% Reporting
Clinton 49%, Obama 48%
McCain 33%, Huckabee 32% , Romney 29%, Paul 4%

11:43 pm –  Alabama – 95% Reporting

Obama 56%, Clinton 42%
Huckabee 41%, McCain 37%, Romney 18%, Paul 3%

11:39 pm –  Tennessee 90% Reporting
Clinton 56%, Obama 38%,
Huckabee 34%,McCain 32%,  Romney 24%, Paul 6%

11:32 pm – Less than 75 votes seperate Huckabee and McCain in Missiouri

Missouri – 87% Reporting
Clinton 50%, Obama 47%
McCain 33%, Huckabee 33% , Romney 29%, Paul 4%

11:27 pm – Final Result from  Oklahoma- 100% Reporting
Clinton 55%, 31%
McCain 37%, Huckabee 33%, Romney 25%, Paul 3%

11:28 pm –  Missouri – 87% Reporting
Clinton 50%, Obama 47%
McCain 33%, Huckabee 33% , Romney 29%, Paul 4%

11:24 pm –  Arkansas – 57% Reporting
Clinton 72%, Obama 24%
Huckabee 61%, McCain 20%, Romney 13%, Paul 5%

11:23 pm –  Tennessee 83% Reporting
Clinton 58%, Obama 36%,
Huckabee 34%,McCain 32%,  Romney 24%, Paul 6%

11:21 pm – Alabama – 93% Reporting

Obama 56%, Clinton 42%
Huckabee 41%, McCain 37%, Romney 18%, Paul 3%

11:19 pm – Georgia – 89%

Obama 63%, Clinton 34%
Huckabee 34%, McCain 32%, Romney 30%, Paul 3%

11:16 – Idaho called for Obama

11:13 pm – Fox calls Colorado for Obama 

11:07 pm –  
Arkansas – 52% Reporting
Clinton 71%, Obama 25%
Huckabee 61%, McCain 20%, Romney 13%, Paul 5%

11:04 pm – A Reversal in Missouri McCain is ahead by 1100 votes over Huckabee

Missouri – 78% Reporting
Clinton 52%, Obama 45%
McCain 33%, Huckabee 32% , Romney 29%, Paul 4% 

11:02 pm – Alabama – 90% Reporting

Obama 56%, Clinton 42%
Huckabee 41%, McCain 38%, Romney 18%, Paul 3% 

10:57 pm –  Note:  Politisite calls Montana for Romney – Romney is winning most Caucus states.  Do you wonder why?  Organization and perks is a big deal in caucus states.  Which candidate can provide the most to caucus goers? Romney has this down to a science and finacially is best equipt to present the best front.  Probably a good idea to look at changing to a general vote by the all the people rather than electors. 

10:56 pm –  Oklahoma- 98% Reporting
Clinton 55%, 31%
McCain 37%, Huckabee 33%, Romney 25%, Paul 3%

10:54 pm –  Arkansas – 46% Reporting
Clinton 72%, Obama 25%
Huckabee 61%, McCain 20%, Romney 13%, Paul 5%

10:51 pm –  Tennessee 78% Reporting
Clinton 59%, Obama 35%,
Huckabee 34%,McCain 32%,  Romney 23%, Paul 6%, Thompson 3%

10:47 pm –  Arkansas – 38% Reporting
Clinton 72%, Obama 24%
Huckabee 61%, McCain 20%, Romney 13%, Paul 5%

10:42 pm –  Like the Super being won by the underdog New York Giants Mike Huckabee is winning in 5 States when the networks and Projections had him winning one.  Our projections had him winning 1 state but within the margin of error in 4 others.  We had Romney winning only one state out right he is winning in 3.  I think the big story here is Huckabee being so strong in the south and Obama being strong in the Midwest and NorthWest. 

10:40 pm – Huckabee Gets GA, TN acoording to AP and Fox

 Alabama – 83% Reporting

Obama 56%, Clinton 41%
Huckabee 41%, McCain 38%, Romney 17%, Paul 3%

10:38 pm –  Missouri – 60% Reporting
Clinton 53%, Obama 43%
Huckabee 36%, McCain 31%, Romney 27%, Paul 4%

 10:34 pm – Oklahoma- 92% Reporting
Clinton 55%, Obama 31%
McCain 38%, Huckabee 33%, Romney 24%, Paul 3%

10:30 pm – Fox Called ND for Romney

10:27 pm – Obama wins Minnisota as called by Fox news .  Hopefully all of the talk about race will stop as Obama comes strong in the South with large black populations and Northern States with have small Black Populations. He is playng well tonight in both.

10:25 pm –  Huckabee Points to Southern Strength

WASHINGTON (AP) – Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee said Tuesday he would press on with his White House candidacy, emboldened by wins in the South. “The one way you can’t win a race is to quit it, and until somebody beats me, I’m going to answer the bell for every round of this fight,” the former Arkansas governor said in an AP interview from Little Rock.

Source: via politisite

10:23 pm –  Missouri – 49% Reporting
Clinton 55%, Obama 41%
Huckabee 35%, McCain 32%, Romney 27%, Paul 4%

10:20 pm –  Georgia – 77%

Obama 62%, Clinton 34%
Huckabee 35%, McCain 32%, Romney 29%, Paul 3%

10:17 pm –  Arkansas – 22% Reporting
Clinton 72%, Obama 24%
Huckabee 63%, McCain 21%, Romney 11%, Paul 4%

10:14 pm –  Reversal in Alabama – Huckabee leads by 3% Alabama – 66% Reporting

Obama 57%, Clinton 41%
Huckabee 41%, McCain 38%, Romney 17%, Paul 3%

10:12 pm –  Clinton, McCain win Oklahoma

MERIDIAN, Okla. (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton easily defeated rival Barack Obama in Oklahoma’s Democratic presidential primary on Tuesday, while John McCain took the Republican contest, according to the Associated Press.

Source: via politisite

10:06 pm –  John McCain swept to an easy victory in Connecticut

HARTFORD, Conn. — Arizona Sen. John McCain swept to an easy victory in Connecticut’s Republican presidential primary Tuesday, as GOP voters again showed their preference for independent-minded candidates.

On the Democratic side, Sen. Barack Obama was leading Sen. Hillary Clinton by a small margin with 29% of the votes counted.

It was the second Connecticut GOP presidential primary win in eight years for McCain. In 2000, he beat George W. Bush, who was born in New Haven and went on to win the nomination and the presidency that year.

With 29% of votes cast, McCain led former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney 52% to 32%. The Associated Press made its calls based on surveys of voters as they left the polls.

Source: via politisite

10:02 pm –  Mike Huckabee  and Barack Obama  won primaries in Alabama


MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) – Mike Huckabee turned out evangelical voters and Barack Obama captured black and young voters as both won Alabama’s presidential primaries Tuesday.

Exit polls from the Republican primary showed Huckabee, with strong appeal to fellow Southern Baptists, defeating Arizona Sen. John McCain and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who ran third.

Source: via politisite

10:00 pm Several states close and Fox, CNBC, CNN called UTAH for Romney & Obama 

9:58  pm – Arkansas – 12% Reporting
Clinton 72%, Obama 23%
Huckabee 62%, McCain 21%, Romney 12%, Paul 4%

9:56 pm – A reversal in TN Huckabee has taken the lead by 0.5% over McCain, OK called for McCain by Fox News

Tennessee 44% Reporting
Clinton 60%, Obama 32%,
Huckabee 33%,McCain 33%,  Romney 22%, Paul 6%, Thompson 4%

9:53 pm –  Missouri – 29% Reporting
Clinton 58%, Obama 37%
McCain 37%, Huckabee 31%, Romney 25%, Paul 5%

9:51 pm – CNN just called NJ for Clinton -Georgia – 65%

Obama 62.0%, Clinton 36.4%
Huckabee 34.8%, McCain 32.3%, Romney 29.0%, Paul 2.9%

9:49 pm –  Arkansas – 8% Reporting
Clinton 72%, Obama 23%
Huckabee 62%, McCain 21%, Romney 11%, Paul 5%

9:47 pm –  CNN has called MA for Clinton – Alabama – 35% Reporting

Obama 58%, Clinton 39%

McCain 39%, Huckabee 39%, Romney 18%, Paul 3%

9:36 pm –  Oklahoma- 53% Reporting
Clinton 55%, 29%
McCain 38%, Huckabee 34%, Romney 23%, Paul 3%

9:33 pm –  Tennessee 24% Reporting
Clinton 59%, Obama 31%, Edwards 9%
McCain 35%, Huckabee 30%, Romney 22%, Paul 6%, Thompson 5%

9:31 pm –  Arkansas – 4% Reporting
Clinton 71%, Obama 24%
Huckabee 59%, McCain 22%, Romney 13%, Paul 4%

9:28 pm –  Missouri – 12% Reporting
Clinton 57%, Obama 38%
McCain 36%, Huckabee 31%, Romney 25%, Paul 5%

3 minutes after fox stated not calling Alabama they just called Alabama

9:25 pm – Fox is reporting that Alabama shows descrepency between exit polling data and actual results.  They are unwilling to call the state due to  exit polls not coorelating with actual results

Alabama – 22% Reporting

Obama 65%, Clinton 33%

McCain 41%, Huckabee 36%, Romney 19, Paul 3%

 9:23 pm – Georgia – 45%

Obama 60.0%, Clinton 36.8%
Huckabee 34.7%, McCain 32.1%, Romney 29.0%, Paul 2.9%

9:18 pm – Politisite called McCain for NY last night, CNN, Fox Has projected McCain winner of NY

 Arkansas – 3% Reporting
Clinton 69%, 22%
Huckabee 59%, McCain 22%, Romney 13%


9:02 pm –  Georgia – 36%

Obama 58.9, Clinton 38.3%
Huckabee 35.7%, McCain 31.5%, Romney 28.5%, Paul 2.9%

9:00 pm CNN, Fox, CNBC Project – Clinton wins NY 

8:57 pm – Arkansas – 1% Reporting
Clinton 69%, 25%
Huckabee 56%, McCain 23%, Romney 16%

8:55 pm – Stand by for more projections in 5 minutes

 Alabama – 10% Reporting

Obama 70%, Clinton 29%

McCain 41%, Huckabee 35%, Romney 19, Paul 3%

8:53 pm –  Missouri – 2% Reporting
Clinton 54%, Obama 37%
McCain 33%, Huckabee 33%, Romney 23%, Paul 4%

8:50 pm 0- Georgia – 28%

Obama 58.2, Clinton 38
Huckabee 37.4%, McCain 32.2, Romney 26.1, Paul 2.9 

8:45 pm – Mccain projected to win Delaware 

8:44 pm – Georgia – 24%

Obama 59, Clinton 38
Huckabee 35%, McCain 32, Romney 29, Paul 3

8:38 pm –  Alabama – 6% Reporting

Obama 71%, Clinton 28%

McCain 34%, Huckabee 33%, Romney 17, Paul 3%

 8:35 – Tennessee 4% Reporting
Clinton 54, Obama 34, Edwards 11
McCain 36, Huckabee 25, Romney 21, Thompson 10, Paul 5

8:32 – Tennessee is called for Clinton

Georgia – 13% ReportingObama 55, Clinton 40, Edwards 4
Huckabee 38%, McCain 33, Romney 25, Paul 3

8:30 pm CNN. Fox, CNBC Call Projection Huckabee & Clinton Win Arkansas 

8:27 pm –  Tennessee 3% Reporting
Clinton 52, Obama 37, Edwards 10
McCain 36, Huckabee 25, Romney 21, Thompson 10, Paul 5

8:25 pm –  Georgia – 9%

Obama 55, Clinton 40, Edwards 4
Huckabee 38%, McCain 33, Romney 25, Paul 3

8:22 pm –  Tennessee 1% Reporting
Clinton 50, Obama 40, Edwards 10
McCain 36, Huckabee 23, Romney 22, Thompson 11, Paul 5

8:19 pm – Georgia – 7%

Obama 55, Clinton 44, Edwards 4
Huckabee 38%, McCain 33, Romney 25, Paul 3

8:15 pm –  Alabama – 0%

Clinton 56%, Obama 30%, Edwards 14%

Huckabee, 39%, McCain 36%, Romney 14, Paul 4%


8:11 pm -Tennessee 0% Reporting
Clinton 77, Edwards 15, Obama 8
McCain 33, Huckabee 27, Romney 16, Paul 6

8:09 –  NJ Called for McCain

Georgia – 5% Reporting

Obama 52, Clinton 43, Edwards 4

Huckabee 37%, McCain 33, Romney 26, Paul 3

8:07 pm – Georgia – 4%

Obama 53, Clinton 41, Edwards 5

Huckabee 37%, McCain 35, Romney 24 

8:04 pm Alabama

Clinton 58, Obama 22, Edwards 16

McCain, 50%, Romney 25, Huckabee 17, Giuliani

8:00 –  CNN and Fox Has called

McCain wins Conn and Ill , Romney MA,

Obama Il, Clinton OK

7:55 pm – Politisite will project winners ahead of the networks as Pols Close at 8:00pm

 Politisite Projected Winners.

 Arizona – McCain Wins

Arkansas – Huckabee Wins , Clinton Wins

Georgia – Obama Wins

Tennessee – Clinton Wins

New York – Clinton Wins. McCain Wins

7:45 pm –  0% Reporting – Georgia


McCain 38%, Huckabee 32%, Romney 25%, Paul 2%

Democrat – 12 Delegates – project Obama 9, Clinton 3

Obama 59%, Clinton 34% Edwards 5%

7:36 pm – Final Report for WV:  Huckabee, Votes =567 Delegates = 18 See our Full Report Super Tuesday: First Election Results from West Virginia

7:33 pm –  Georgia


McCain 36%, Romney 32%, Huckabee 27%, Paul 1%

Democrat – 12 Delegates – project Obama 9, Clinton 3

Obama 64%, Clinton 34% Edwards 5%


7:25 pm – Projected Landslide Winner in Georgia 


Barack Obama was projected the winner of the Georgia Democratic primary election Tuesday by The Associated Press, as voters in 24 states took part in what amounts to the first U.S. national primary contest. The Republican race is too close to call.

Map: National Results

Blacks comprise about half of the Democratic primary vote in Georgia and surveys of people as they left polling places showed they lined up overwhelmingly behind Obama, rather than rival Hillary Clinton.


Before the day is out, ballots will have been cast in 16 primary elections, eight caucuses and the nominating convention for West Virginia Republicans. Many states reported heavy turnouts, although rainy weather in the northeast and some glitches at the polls are being reported. Voters in both parties most frequently picked the economy as the most important issue facing the country, according to exit polling.

Source: via politisite

7:20 pm –  0% Reporting



Huckabee 37%, McCain 33%, Romney 29%, Paul 1%

Democrat – 12 Delegates – project Obama 9, Clinton 3

Obama 56%, Clinton 43%

705 p:  As we projected CNN, FOX has called Georgia for Obama, Huckabee Won WV

More to follow




it was a super Tuesday Super Tuesday Near Real Time Election Results, GA, AL, WV, AR, AR, MO Super Fat Tuesday (Georgia) I voted.  Did you? Catching super duper Tuesday action at Jillians Caucus site Ya right IMAGE_093.jpg 2-5-08 Super Tuesday Super Tuesday at Oxfeld's Voting booths at Sedgwick Middle School, West Hartford, CT My ballot I'm a Georgia Voter! February 5, 2008 - 36/366

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