Politisite Guest Blogger for NowPublic at Democratic Debate

NowPublic and Politisite Guest Blogging from

the Myrtle Beach Palace Theater CNN and Congressional Black

Caucus Democratic Debate Tonight

Up Date:  Jan 21, 2008 11:30

Eastern –  With the large amount of material we acquired from

the Myrtle Beach Debate we have decided to do a series of stories

leading up to the South Carolina Primary.  We will add links to

the stories from here but you will also see them in que on the

Politics Page. 



 05:00am- Update-  The

security was so tight at the debate I think I saw more Secret Service

than Press.  I had heard another news service say that Senator

Obama was receiving death threats.  I spoke with the Secret

Service agent on this issue and he related that there have been no

death threats made against Obama that were credible.  The high

Security was due to over 35 members of congress attending along with

The Clinton’s and Senator Obama.  So we can put those rumors to

bed once and for all.


The logistics were very difficult. 

Our plans were to post form the filing room following our return from

the spin room. Understand both of these areas are usually in the

venue.  The press filing room was more than a mile away from the

Spin Room and transportation was not as fluid as we would have

liked.  I have much more material to upload plus a transcript /

comment evaluation of the event.  I am thinking that I will

write a follow-up story and add the journalistic synopsis of the

event as it was an exciting debate.  Since it is 5am eastern I

will put my work to rest for the night.  The best way to read

this blog is from bottom up.


Keep in mind, I am awaiting your

feedback for the debate.  Who won, lost, has a plan, who will

you Not vote for and why.  I expect to awake to a full mailbox

because thats what Citizen Journalism is all about.  Remember

the News is NOWPUBLIC


Good Night from Myrtle Beach SC. 


2:48am – Update – We are

currently uploading Photos from the Candidates.


2:15am – I will be uploaded a heated

interview with Congresswoman Jackson Lee on her support

of Senator Clinton.  I also interviewed Howard Dean

from the DNC.  I have a few more surprises as well.  I will

be writing up a follow up article on this heated and exciting debate.


At 23:05 – Update –  QUESTION: Do you think

America is ready for a black president or not? Answer in the comments



QUESTION: Do you think America is ready for a woman president

or not?

 What are your answers NowPublic? 

Let us know where you stand.  CNN provided this poll to generate

discussion for their Race in America segment following the debate.


At 22:00 – Update- Audio clips of interviews will be uploaded as

we  clear from the spin room.  The press filing center is

located at Phillips Seafood, they are catering the event.  The

problem is the Spin Room is a  bus ride.  We literally have

to file our reports, hop on the media bus to the Palace Theater get

our interviews and return to upload our work.  Hang in there

following the debate for our photos and coverage.   

There is a sand sculpture of the candidates we will be photographing

and uploading soon.  Make sure you see some of the other reports

we have uploaded prior to the debate.  I will transfer the more

important comments to the body of the story as time goes on. 

The blog will also be available at http://politisite.wordpress.com

and http://politisite.blogspot.com 

At 21:40 – Update – Hilliary is

harping on Obama voting Present rater than Yeah or Nay.  The

problem with Hilliary is she votes on bills she doesn’t read

at 21:28 – Update – Well it appears

the gloves have come off.  Hilliary was on the board at Walmart

and Obama fighting for Slum Lords in Chicago.  Edwards ask how

many people are we helping with this rhetoric

at 21:25 – Update – Just uploaded photos of the Myrtle Beach

Sculptures of the candidates.  Wolf Blittzer and others

At 20:30 – Update –  How

would you as NowPublic Readers Answer these questions.  Please

post your answers in the Comments section below the full article. 

QUESTION: Dr. Martin Luther King gave his famous “I Have a

Dream Speech” at a civil rights march in Washington in 1963. 

In your view, how much of Dr. King’s “dream” that he talked

about has been fulfilled today  — all of it, a great deal, a

moderate amount, not very much, or none of it?

CNN Released this poll during the

debate to follow-up on the Show, Race and Politics.  What are

your insights?  Political Correctness is not necessary. So get

involved with your comments.

at 19:45 pm – Update – My Photo

Journalist, Kathy, has just left on the bus to do the spray of the

candidates.  We have a few photos to upload but searching for

our upload cable.  We will upload the spray following the



at 17:00 Pm – My photographer and I arrived and passed through

security.  We re working diligently to get Kathy on the media

spray of the candidates prior to the debate.  This is were the

major news services each have a photographer to photograph the

candidates from the venue.  

Thanks for your interest.  Ask any questions you may have for

our team at Politisite, the candidates, and the celebrities who will

be attending.  Obama Girl, Congressman Clyburn, President Bill

Clinton and more.  I will as questions you are interested in so

you will be part of the debate process.

Albert N. Milliron 

The Congressional Black Caucus and CNN Democratic

Debate Monday 21st January 2008

Politisite Guest Blogger for NowPublic Tonight from

South Carolina

Hello all you pundits, politicos, politstes, pollsters, political

junkies, and casual political readers.

Tonight I will be attending the Congressional Black Caucus

Institute and CNN Presidential Debate in Myrtle Beach, South

Carolina. This will be my seventh debate this presidential cycle. I

LOVE IT! During the event I will give you a pictorial of what is

happening each stage of the process. I will attempt show you what

it’s like to cover a media event in the world of United States

politics.  My photo Journalist will be uploading photos 

throughout the night.  Credentialed media will not be in the

debate auditorium, except for a photo spray of the candidates before

the debate begins. We will be in the media press room were all those

bloggers, TV Crews, and news services you watch and read do their

magic. Following the debate, We will be in the Spin Room interviewing

the candidates and celebrities as they arrive. We believe President

Bill Clinton will be there for interviews. Its always fun to bet on

which candidate will be there doing their spinning.  That’s were

candidates go to, “correct the record”, after they make all

of their mistakes at the podiums.

Please check back, throughout the day, as I will be adding

information about the CBCI, CNN, and Myrtle Beach.  Debate

begins at 8pm Eastern 5 Pacific, and 0100 hrs UTC (GMT)

January 21, 2008


MORNING EDITION: Monday, January 21, 2008


Tonight, CNN and the Congressional Black Caucus Institute host

the final Presidential Debate before the South Carolina Democratic

Primary. Sen. Hillary Clinton, former Sen. John Edwards, and Sen.

Barrack Obama will take the stage in Myrtle Beach. Tune into CNN and


throughout the day for extensive coverage of this event, as well

as the race for the Republican presidential nomination. CNN’s Wolf

Blitzer will moderate with questions from Inn’s Suzanne Malveaux and

Joe Johns. The Debate will air live from 8 pm. ET to 10 pm. ET.

Democratic Debate Day

WASHINGTON (CNN) — He’s not on the ballot this cycle,

but it wouldn’t be a big surprise to see former President Bill

Clinton take the stage with the remaining Democratic presidential

contenders at tonight’s CNN/Congressional Black Caucus Institute

debate in South Carolina.

The former president was nearly as much of a presence leading up

to Saturday’s Nevada caucuses as his wife, Sen. Hillary Clinton –

or any of the Democratic candidates, really. In Nevada, as in New

Hampshire, President Clinton was in a fighting mood the night before

the vote, taking direct aim at Sen. Barrack Obama; and again, in

defiance of the polls, his wife pulled out a win.

This time, Obama is calling foul. President Clinton may not be a

candidate this year, Obama told ABC, but he’s starting to feel as

though he’s “running

against both Clinton’s.” Top Obama strategist David Axelrod is

chiming in too, accusing the couple of a “good cop, bad cop”

routine this campaign season.

There may be no method to this madness, but there’s certainly a

routine developing in the Clinton-Obama feud: Public truces are made,

then broken hours later; last-minute, dueling conference calls are

scheduled an hour or so apart; escalating charges and counter-charges

are traded, investigations called for, inboxes flooded with

allegations of distortion and dirty tricks. The over-under on

response time from either side, in a Sunday CNN calculation, is down

to a mind-warping seven minutes.

And as shock waves from the chaotic Nevada caucuses continue to

ripple through Democratic ranks, yet another unwelcome pattern seems

to be repeating itself. Last week, during the dustup over Sen.

Clinton’s comments on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy,

observers noted that her campaign stood to benefit every time race

was on the table, no matter the context.

This week, Obama may have the most to gain from the emerging

dynamic: African-American voters in South Carolina have been swinging

his way, according to recent polls – and nothing motivates the base

quite like the charges of voter suppression coming out of Nevada.

Both the Clinton and Obama campaigns are accusing the other of

engaging in the practice.

The brutal bloodletting of the primary season may disappear

quickly after a nominee is decided. But will the battle wounds really

heal completely by November?

Momentum seems to have a short shelf life this cycle, but for what

it’s worth, two Republicans come out of Saturday’s vote with the

wind at their backs. John McCain won the kingmaker South Carolina

contest, eight years after his campaign collapsed there. And Ron

Paul’s second-place showing in Nevada’s neglected GOP caucuses –

and near-tie with third-place Fred Thompson in South Carolina –

may, at least for the moment, silence the skeptics. (Could it be the


The list

of walking wounded out of South Carolina is longer. It includes:

Mike Huckabee, who actually split the state’s evangelical vote with

John McCain; Fred Thompson, whose last-stand heroics translated into

an underwhelming 16 percent finish; and Rudy Giuliani, whose Florida

focus reduced his Saturday showing there to an asterisk.

Somewhere in the middle: Mitt Romney, who comes out of the weekend

with a delegate lead, a caucus win – and a disappointing

fourth-place showing in South Carolina, despite spending as much on

ads there as the rest of the Republican field combined.

CNN Associate Political Editor Rebecca


Thanks for your interest.  Ask any questions you may have for

our team at Politisite, the candidates, and the celebrities who will

be attending.  Obama Girl, Congressman Clyburn, President Bill

Clinton and more.  I will as questions you are interested in so

you will be part of the debate process.

Albert N. Milliron 

NowPublic and Politisite Guest Blog at Democratic Debate NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight The Happy Democratics Before the Fireworks NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight The Palace Supporters weathered the chill to show support for their Candidate NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight Senator Clinton accuses Barak Obama of doing work for Slum Lords NowPublic and Politisite Guest Blog at Democratic Debate

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