Clinton Alleges Voter Intimidation

Clinton Alleges Voter Intimidation

by Aaron Bruns

At a stop in Northern Nevada today, Hillary Clinton accused “some unions in the South” of intimidating members into not coming to caucus if they don’t support the union’s candidate — a clear reference to the Obama-supporting Culinary Workers Union in Las Vegas.

“I have some concerns about the process, and i want to be really clear about this to everyone,” she said. “I’m afraid some people may feel that they can’t come, or they shouldn’t come, or they can’t support the candidate of their choice. We know that there are some unions in the South that are telling people who to caucus for, and if they’re not going to for who they choose don’t come at all”

“I don’t think that’s right. I don’t think that’s the American way.”

Source: via politisite

Clinton Alleges Voter Intimidation

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